Album of The Month: Angelica Garcia Will See You At Her Cha Cha Palace

If Chavela Vargas had a baby with Frank Ocean, that child would be Angelica Garcia. She has Chavela’s story-teller swag and capacity to make the fight for social justice feel like a chapter in a magical realist book. She also has Ocean’s explorative, sonic creativity; using every corner of this earth to create a soundscape that feels out of it. In her album. Cha Cha Palace, she takes us into the lush world of being a Latina human being.

Angelica Garcia – It Don’t Hinder Me

Yes, Latinas are human, and they are a wealth of majestic, mindful, and beautiful layers. We are like fruit; naturally flavorful and ripe with sustenance. UGH! I LOVE MY PEOPLE! And Angelica can get symbolic in describing the reality of our existence versus the depth of our essence. So often, we can feel, as Latinas, cut off, made invisible, or demonized. “Jicama,” “Guadalupe,” and “Agua De Rosa” are just a few lush examples of how expansive her sound is in creating a universe while singing to a nation and a culture of women trying to elevate themselves within it. Honestly, her album is not just good….. it is a fierce experience.

Angelica Garcia – Jícama

Angelica Garcia is one of the most unique artists you can listen to; her imaginative style mixed in with the firm tone of her voice makes her climb rhythms like Jack did the Beanstalk. Cha Cha Palace is, by far, her most confident record in honing in her voice personally and politically. She plants her notes with a strength as if they should be yelled at a protest as much as they should be sung for inner peace. For More Information On Angelica Garcia And To Buy Cha Cha Palace on February 21 Click Here.