Album Review: Dream Wife Marry Music In Self-Titled Debut
When I first saw Dream Wife, their determination to summon the “bad bitches” of the world to their presence was intoxicating and slightly threatening. These ladies do NOT kid around; they want the “baddest” to hear their music. Their self-titled, debut album amplifies that desire.
“Let’s Make Out” , “Hey Heartbreaker”, and “Taste” all support the idea that, sometimes, you want to be bad, and it feels really good. Now do not clutch your pearls because it is the truth. We have all gone with the “bad boy” because, for a moment, we felt free from trying to always be the “good girl’. For Dream Wife, the lines between goodness and boredom are often blurred, of which we have to question whether being wild truly is being wicked. It is an enrapturing notion for our day and age; where looking good struggles to translate into being it. Yet, more importantly, it is an exceptional theme and introduction to whom is Dream Wife.
Dream Wife – Fire
These Icelandic pop-punkers have no problem bashing drums and cringing guitars until they bleed bubblegum notes. Sonically, Dream Wife sounds like a prom that has happily gone into chaos. The kids are spiking their fruit punch, ripping their dresses, and using the shreds to teepee teachers; frankly, it is a teenage dream. Rakel Mjöll’s voice sounds like pixie sugar being poured into soda; it is gurgling in energy and sweetness. “Fire”, “Somebody”, and “Act My Age” are opportunities for her to vocally seduce the audience with a question, “Don’t you want to be a rebel?”. It is a solid challenge for listeners, whom at least once, have dreamed of being revolutionary.
Dream Wife – Hey Heartbreaker
When you are young, you salivate at the chance of being change. Any opportunity to rise to an occasion, and alter its chemistry into something more vibrant and even virtuous appeals to your inner social warrior. Yet, Dream Wife’s album shows that such an ideal is apart of being an outcast, which is also a negatively treated term. Though we all have felt alienated, no wants to be the alien, except fro Dream Wife. This trio is happy to grab a spaceship and “Spend The Night”, be “Kids”, or “Love Without Reason”. This could explain why it feels like guitarist Alice Go makes her guitar hooks with kerosene; sometimes, going insane does not mean lighting up your inner crazy as much as it means sparking your inner creativity. To Dream Wife, if being yourself is madness, then prepare for their RAGE! To Buy Dream Wife’s Self-Titled Album On January 26 Click Here.
Dream Wife – Let’s Make Out