Album Review: Ex:Re’s Self-Titled Debut Is A Play By Play For Breakups

Breakups are one of the hardest things a soul can go through, and it is because, to break something, means you created something. Creating a relationship is like our soul making a piece of art; the more trust and hope we put into our partner, the more colors paint upon  our heart’s canvas.With that beautiful image in mind, you want to embrace Ex:Re’s self-titled debut.

The gorgeousness of this record is that it does not quell from being quiet and intimate. Whispers are louder and more aggressive then this unabashedly delicate record. So often, “delicacy” is diminished, but, in the end, there should always a softness to your heart, and the challenge of love/ Ex:Re in this record is trying to keep it. From “Romance” to “New York,” you swear you are listening to a film. In it, a young woman falls in love with life, her man, and her dreams, but neither seem to fulfill her. Thus, the real premise is not whether she can “get it all” as much as whether she can realize she is it “All.”

Ex:Re – Romance

We are everything. Every individual might as well be a spiritual onion; layered with coats of interests, choices, and emotions that make up a person. The magic/talent of Ex:Re is that she sings and writes like a “person.” I know that sounds like a strange compliment. After all, every record is sung by a human being, but there is an accessibility to Ex:Re’s voice that makes you see life through her eyes. She is not the splashiest in range and even emotiveness. Instead, uttering her voices like they are the inner thoughts of someone looking at her situations unfold. Hence, you tracks like “Liar,” “My Heart,” “Crushing,” and “The Dazzler” feel like the details of her love story.

No matter what her sonic back-drop, Ex:Re wants you to know the tale. From the literally sad piano-led melody of “Too Sad” to the pop kick-drum of “I Can’t Keep You,” Ex:Re’s debut is a perfect introduction to her solo career. I fell in love with this record as a woman listening to another woman describe the rush of love, the flood of heartbreak, and the realization that how you deal with both aspects of a relationship is what defines you: not the person that caused both to happen to you. Hence, Ex:Re is ALL, and her self-titled debut is everything. For More Information on Ex:Re And To Buy Her Debut On November 30 Click Here.