Album Review: FAOUZIA’S STRIPPED Will Leave You Bare
When I heard Faouzia’s Stripped EP, I fell in love with her voice. It is richly dark; vaping over rhythms like the after-smoke of a heavy fire, which TOTALLY embodies the aftermath of ended relationships. When passion dies, it is like watching a bonfire cease, which is why her range combines with her fueling lyrics; Stripped is as bare as a rare gem.
Lyrically, Faouzia feels like a balance between smart and sincere. Now, I know you may not see those as clashing, but when you are a woman your intelligence is always questioned as if it cannot co-exist with your feelings or the “standard over-emotionality” that stereotypes us. Yet, Faouzia’s wordplay feels like a smart-gal’s take on feeling raw and cracked open by a relationship that was supposed to make her feel more “put together.” Ironically, that is not the brightest belief, but we are all raised to think that “our person” is out there, and when we find him or her, they will make us feel better as our own person.
Faouzia – Tears of Gold (Official Music Video)
From “Bandaids” to “Born Without A Heart,” Faouzia wails and even yodels with her vocals; making her vocal range appear like a sparkler with fizzling sparks everywhere. You can’t help but feel impressed by her voice, which is not so common in the music industry. Yes, there are so many great artists and songs, but vocalists…. well…. they are….good. Faouzia is fantastic and, more importantly, she is fearless. She nosedives into notes that, ironically, carry her words of fear.
Faouzia – You Don’t Even Know Me (Official Music Video)
Stripped is 100% the EP you put on when you realize that love doesn’t heal, but self-love can. Sure, he didn’t give you his heart, and you might not have given your strength to the romance, but, at least, you shed some “Tears of Gold” and grew up. Click Here For More Info On Faouzia’s Stripped out August 6.