Album Review: Orion Sun Asks To “Hold Space For Me”

It is hard, nowadays, to not CONSTANTLY THINK of this pandemic, and how within a few short days our lives were shut down. It is not like everyone had an easy life, devoid issues, before this crisis, but, if before we felt as thinned as paper, now, we feel as ripped as it can be. Making her debut, Orion Sun’s Hold Space For Me, feels like a letter to the love woes many of us carried before this crisis and wonder …. how de we approach them after?

orion sun – lightning [official video]

First, Orion Sun’s music is masterful. Her debut record is elegantly dreamy; with strings twirling like ballerinas trying to dance to their place in your mind. They pirouette through tracks like, “Holy Water”  and “Sailing,” as if your imagination was painted by water colors imaging their passage through your dreams. In some ways, love is the most graceful dance we can ever learn; with our emotions trying to figure out the propers move to smoothly coordinate with our partner.

From “Coffee For Dinner” to “Trying,” Orion Sun’s soundscape is synthesized to be breezy and vibrant in noise, while her voice remains subtle and unfazed. She comes off like those movie numbers where the protagonist is walking through the streets singing about her day and what she sees. Immediately, listeners can feel that Orion Sun is seeing what most of us do: frustrations and hopes. Now, more than ever, people are realizing their fragility and want to CLING to their human connections. The problem is that wanting love does not mean you get a instant manual on how to love.

orion sun – coffee for dinner [official video]

Do I want love? Yeah! Do I know, exactly, HOW to love everybody I love? Well…. “Grim Reaper,” “Birds Gave Up,” and a cover of Ne Me Quitte Pas allow Orion Sun to build her sounds and lyrics like modern fables: symbols and statements on what it is to feel farther from Love when you are most open to getting closer to it. For More Information On Orion Sun And To Buy Hold Space For Me Click Here.