Concert Review: Light & Life Present A Halloween Weekend SPECTACULAR!

Somewhere at a Brooklyn Navy Yard an entire generation gathered to GET LIT! (lol!)  With how many came to see Valetino Khan, Nitti Gritti, and Dillon Francis go hard for Halloween Weekend, I felt tempted to put up a voting booth. It was exciting to see the youth excited to be young, of which the Light & Life event reminded me WHY I love the EDM/ DJ circuit. 

Maybe, it was because it was Halloween Weekend, but the obvious was, suddenly, revealed to me, in terms, of why people are so attracted to DJs and EDM culture: it appeals to your alter ego. Every person has their public person and their private identity, but, on Halloween Weekend/ at Brooklyn Navy Yard, who you are and want to be, when no one is looking, IS your public persona. If you want to be Sailor Moon, Napoleon Dynamite, or some type of fruit, all costumes that were seen, you can be! Witnessing people be most exuberant self, from the DJ’s to the audience, I saw that humanity is not bad……… it’s actually fabulous! 
Dillon Francis – White Boi (Ft. Lao Ra) (Official Music Video)

In this world, we create rules and constructs out of the notion that humanity needs structure to keep a moral ground, but history has proven that even the most formalized system can hold corruption and immorality. Now, I am not trying to get into a political or deeply philosophical debate, but as Nitti Gritti bounced to his own jams like he made them, first and foremost,  for himself,  thought, “If this is life without rules, then this is life without fear!”  Gritti dropped baselines like lotto tickets over people’s heads, and everyone was absolutely unafraid to get down, get costumed, and be friendly. I am not saying anyone would be canonized for sainthood, after attending this event, but we certainly felt Heavenly, especially with a light display that felt like God was running a rave. 

Both Valentino Khan and Dillon Francis share a rhythmic style that adds an innocence to the perceived raunchiness of the dance-floor hook-up. Sonically, hey add a coy passion, a scintillating lust, a flirtatious smirk, and an overall sexiness to the “will they, won’t they” of clubbing. This event was packed with a bunch of “Rosses and Rachels” fighting the natural attraction that spurs between people living their best life because that is what was happening.Still, each DJ made you want to go hard in choreography but be malleable to the atmospheric bliss of being in a room with some seriously silly, amazing people. 

I can’t reiterate enough how happy people were, and how, from what I saw, that led to no harm. Thus, each DJ appealed to harmlessness of getting wild, and moving your body as if you knew how to move it. You know the music is good when people “try” certain moves. (lol!) Yet, again, that was the point of Light & Life’s NYC Halloween Weekend event; for you to try to really be your imagined self. Ultimately, they set up an ambiance in aesthetic and visuals that helped you do that! For More Information On Light & Life Presents Next EVENT with Zedd for NYE Click Here.