Album Review: Julian Lage And Chris Eldridge Show Music Was Born In “Mount Royal”

Sometimes, you need album to live in through your headphones. Julian Lage and Chris Eldridge have made said album through Mount Royal. By showing the…

Album Review: Vagabon Shows Millennials Infinite Worlds

I am starting to see a trend within young Millennial artists and their lyrical focuses. Their incorporation of generational issues all seem to gravitate towards…

Concert Review: The New Tarot Cast A Spell At Bowery Electric

We all believe there is more to this life, whether we like to admit or not. Usually, such a mentality is saved for scientific forums…

Concert Review: Moon Hooch Give Brooklyn Bowl Some Sax

Note To Self: Must begin saxophone lessons. Alright, let me continue to my review. I always loved the saxophone. Like the trumpet, when someone whips…

Album Review: Middle Kids Show The Struggles Of Being in The Middle

Middle Kids self-titled EP feels like a sunny homage to being young, wild, and free. With guitar melodies that make you feel like sand waiting…