Concert Review: Abir Is Minty At Elsewhere

Mint is such a fresh plant; its herbal qualities are often used to ward negatives vibes and revived positive spirits. Thus, it was no surprise Abir chose mint for her super-cute merch and Debut EP title; she takes your disappointments and turns them into simple steps you take to get to your gold.

Abir may have been opening for Kiiara at Elsewhere, but that crowd was CERTAINLY there for her. They ADORED her sound. People bopped towards the stage like bunnies for a sea of carrots. There was a fearless glee as she fused Hip Hop baselines, with Pop synths, R&B snares, and a marathon trumpet. Yes, she brought out a trumpeter that completely upped the dynamism of tracks like ”For Ya” and “ Way Out.” It was as if the horns of Heaven were summoning us to witness this angel who felt like Aaliyah and Lorde had concocted a new form of pop star; one that brings glamor to the heartache of being young.

With her glow-in-the-dark nails, her high-pumped kicks, long hair, and flashy belt, there was fashion appeal to songstress. You wanted to follow her in style and simple swag. Similar to Aaliyah, she draws a presence that lines between loving and confronting. Yet, Abir is also refreshing to the music scene because, similar to Lorde, she smashes electronica with acoustics to sing about friendships, life goals, and the daily sentiments/ choices we make beyond a boyfriend. Relationships are the epicenter of people’s lives, but people are more than who they are with their boyfriend and girlfriend, which music does not always approach.
ABIR – Young & Rude (Official Video)

Sure, we cannot get enough of a sad love song, but I am all for songs like, “Young & Rude” and “Girls,” which talk about feeling like the biggest, brokest outcast but still choosing to get your outfit on and go to the club. She is grounded in the struggles to be optimistic when you have more issues than solutions. Thus, vocally, Abir flutters and flaps her voice like wings, but throws riffs into verses like hot sauce: making sure each note is elongated in emotional spice. This dynamic was, particularly, felt during her final song, “Tango.” Of all her tracks, it played the best with the audience because it was her most intimate one; having wrote it during a hard time, people could feel her genuineness. Yet, it was far from sonically dampened. It was heightened in every lyric and rhythm to back that this young woman is confident music is her life’s calling. For More Information On Abir Click Here.
ABIR – Way Out (Official Video)