Concert Review: Alma Unleashes Party Animals At Elsewhere

If life were an Alma concert, nobody would ever be unhappy or mad again. After Elsewhere, I truly believe this because she is 100% on the Diandra Reviews It All List of “Never Fail Artists!” She has become locked, into the minds of her loyal fanbase, as the show you attend when you want to shed the skin of the “public/professional” you are to reveal who you really are: a party animal.

Human beings are social beings, but not all of us are fun ones. Alma is FUN and also empowering. Having postponed her tour to focus on new music/ her debut, what I can say is this; Alma will continue much of her lyrical/spiritual importance as a songstress for the masses. Like in new track, “Cowboy,” she sings/ pushes you to confront those that challenge you because that is the only way you’ll be free. People go to party because they want to forget a world that makes it hard for them to remember what they are: filled with ”Good Vibes.” Moreover, sonically, her NEW STUFF IS GOING TO BLOW THE ROOF OFF OF ROOFTOP PARTIES! (lol!)
ALMA – Dye My Hair

I had mentioned in a previous review that Alma is the songstress for the working class, party animal; the woman or man that has a 9AM-5PM job so they can fund getting loose from 6PM to 8AM. For most of us, our work is separate from our passions. The reason you admire/ find yourself giving all you have, in energy, to Alma is because her work is her passion, and you see the difference. When Alma comes on stage you feel like a human submarine has launched an adrenaline torpedo to your face. How many times can you say you bounced to your office desk and asked a roomful of New Yorkers, “Are we going to F**KING PARTY TODAY?!”.………………………….I’ll wait……………………………..
ALMA – Chasing Highs

From new to old tracks, from “Chasing Highs” to “Phases”, Alma’s ability to be, in presence and verse, a bull-dozer for haters shows that fun really is freedom, and good people understand what is a true good time: dancing and laughing with friends. Alma definitely attracts a certain crowd that is not as much aesthetically identifiable but has a standard personality: “the misfits.” The ones that will never fit into a mold but can sincerely say, with pride, that our personality isn’t moldy. We are FRESH! Hence, both Alma, as a performer, and her audience, full of party people, proved a theory I have been running for awhile; it is near “the stage” when we truly get to be on the outside the powerhouse we are inside. For More Information On Alma Click Here