Concert Review: Amy Guess Has Green Hair And Is Ready To Go!
I don’t know if you know this, but, for women, hair is important. Whether it is because it is we actually love our hair or we have been trained to believe that our hair is this magnet for male gaze and beauty admiration, but it is symbolic when you dye your hair or completely shave it off. Some men find it arousing while women see it admirable, like a Batman symbol in the night that declares, “This Biyotch is confident.” Any Guess has long, lime green hair and a sonic bite that makes her feel radioactive against any BS.
Yes…. Women are becoming more empowered, but it is not like we are not getting push-back and internally freaking out. Thus, at Rockwood, Amy Guess made that petite room feel like a giant convention for women that are learning to lose their worries and pick up care for themselves. For being a warm, welcoming sweetheart, her songs portray like a gal that will totally chop you like a ninja if you cross her. Yet, that is the point. When you are a woman, especially with a good heart, you need to be a badass, as well. From “Save Me” to Lay Low,” Amy’s most recent work feels like an affirmation we must all hear: just because I have my insecurities does not mean I don’t have my defense.
Sure, I have flaws, but I am not this walking, gaping wound. In this space, Amy Guess’ lives, which makes her show surprisingly more empathetic, calm, and relatable. If you see her videos, like “Holy Hell,” you might enter her show thinking there will be a post-screening of The Exorcist with refreshments filled with venom and caramelized scorpions for your consumption. Yet, Guess, like so many current artists, pander to darkness and the occult to reflect how we all don’t really know if we “qualify as good.” Yet, we definitely know we have been unnecessarily mistreated.
As she emotes her songs like they are confrontations against aggressors, including herself, Guess shined as a balance of strength and serene: a cool-headed fire-cracker. Her ability to carry energies of compassion and welcome but also riotous and rebellious was perfect for a live show, and perfect for rising generations that still want to have hope and kindness but are TOTALLY ready for a revolution. For More Information On Amy Guess Click Here.