Concert Review: Brittany Howard Is My Voice At Beacon Theatre

Personally, I believe that the avid connection fans have between a power vocalist like, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, or Janis Joplin comes with feeling like their voice is yours. It is not just about their lyrics, although the emotional conviction they put behind them are integral. Yet, it is also the sound. They simply sound like how you think the voice in your head would sound if could say, “Alexa, play me my own thoughts!” At Beacon Theatre, Brittany Howard was my voice. 

How many times have I seen Brittany Howard? Like my age, I will keep that forever anonymous so as not to alarm in numbers. JK! Yet, this was the first time Brittany Howard was “solo.” Yes, she still had a band, back-up singers, and stage that could easily pass as the backdrop for an Evangelical convention. Yet, for Brittany Howard, it was her moment to not simply shine with her personality but her person.  While she is one of the funniest, gregarious, and most exuberant personalities you will see, her debut, Jaime, commanded that she get sentimental. 

Brittany Howard – Stay High (Official Video)

Titled after her sister, who died of cancer when she was 13, the impact was felt. The loss of a young person experienced by a young person is absolutely confounding because it feels against nature. Kids should not know about death, especially when they barely know about life. As Brittany spoke about the album’s inspirations, sprinkling stories as if the audience was her sundae, the crowd was able to see that Jaime was an album about salvation. The choices, journeys, and processes you take when you feel there is nothing left to “take.” It is not about “death” as much as realizing you are overdue for a “rebirth.” I dig that and it made me see why I love Brittany Howard; she is my voice. 

Brittany Howard – He Loves Me (Official Live Session)

Again, if I had to ask Alexa, “Play me my thoughts!” Brittany Howard’s would come belting with high notes, vocal quakes, and billowing softness in between. She would, somehow, emote my thoughts with the feelings that backed them so perfectly, she might have to name an album after me. While, of course, this is my fantasy, I think my point is clear. For the packed Beacon Theatre, Brittany proved that a singer becomes an artist when they make people feel clearer to themselves. For More Information On Brittany Howard Click Here.