Concert Review: Calpurnia Give Me An Existential Crisis At Irving Plaza

I did it again. I went to another show where someone in their teens was outliving me in my twenties. Sadism might be my actual name, of which I do not mind because I will shorten it to Sadie. At Irving Plaza, Calpurnia were epic, and showed age is nothing but a number that others use to define and even hold you back. 

Whether you are very old or very young, someone will tell you that you cannot because of your life experience, of which Finn Wolfhard totally puts the middle finger up against such ideas. It is as if he carries an encyclopedia of every indie rock legend that has graced the stage, lights a candle to their name, and proceeds to summon their spirits. From Blink 182 to Weezer, Calpurnia summons the eccentricities and emotionality of being brash, smart, and filled with the promise of many misadventures to come. 

Calpurnia – Greyhound (Official Video)

Yes, I said misadventures because, in a way, that is how adventure begins: with a plan going awry and a person learning how to redefine themselves despite it. Tracks like, “Wasting Time,” “Blame,” “Cell,” and “City Boy” play to that idea; the free spirit floating around from one friend’s couch to another to discuss the meaning of live over a Netflix Binge. Thus, it took me aback seeing a sea of teens scream their lyrics and nod in understanding of existential woes and the fun you try to have despite. I looked at them and said, “What do you know about that life?” (Lol!) Yet, that was the magic of Calpurnia’s show, particularly, for me. It was a display of exuberant joy, unabashed love for the moment, and emulations of those that taught us how to rock.

Calpurnia – Cell (Official Video)

As with every band, Calpurnia will be compared to those that have come before them and Stranger Things will be tied to why some people go to see them. Yet, the most exciting thing about Calpurnia is how far they can go in time and talent. They already have grasped so much about what it takes to move an audience to be still for a moment that, if they choose, they can being doing rock n’ roll for a very long time. For More Information On Calpurnia Click Here.