Concert Review: Chase Atlantic Are The Center of The Universe


At Webster Hall, Chase Atlantic were the center of the universe for fans. The trio tackle mental anxiety with their verses, and feel like the future of emo-pop. Somehow, they make feeling down and self-doubtful the equivalent to feeling electrified and light-hearted.

While I thought Webster Hall had renovated its floors, Chase Atlantic’s show, definitely, left them creaking again. It looked like House of Pain’s “Jump” video with how any chord from any song ignited jumping jacks from the crowd. I have seen Chase Atlantic a few times, and it was exciting to see them at Webster Hall because the space matched the hugeness of their personas and their fans’ personalities. They make their show feel like a music event/ panel for those suffering from alienation and anxiety. To their fans, Chase Atlantic had written the melodies and verses that helped them walk through the halls of their schools or their work-places a little bit taller. 

HEAVEN AND BACK (Official Music Video)

I was fascinated by how their pop songs like, “Love Is Not Easy,” The Walls,” and “STUCKINMYBRAIN” struck their fans’ hearts like trucks ramming through emotional  barricades. Their faces lit up with understanding and sing-alongs were more rampant at CA’s show than a camp-fire. This made lead singer Mitchel Cave appear like a god, and he knew it. He took off his shirt, went to the edge of the stage, and sang as if the skies parted when he did. That type of connective exuberance ricocheted throughout the night, and made it feel welcoming and warm. I smiled at all the joy, and how easily everyone wanted to be impressed by a band that was already impressive. THE MINUTE Clinton Cave whipped out the sax, you would have thought Jesus showed up with how people lost it. It was a surprisingly heartfelt moment because it showed the power of Chase Atlantic to treat people’s anguish like a clot in their soul to be removed by music. 

CHASE ATLANTIC – HER (Official Music Video)

With a backdrop of lights that made them appear like shadows dancing across a Tokyo skyline, Chase Atlantic’s show was amazing. They revealed true fun is harmless because it can make you approach and relieve how harmed you have been. I have been to many shows, with some having the purpose of inclusivity, but Chase Atlantic do not even need to try to achieve this. They are it. For More Information On Chase Atlantic Click Here.