Concert Review: Chase Atlantic Were Made In A Pop Lab At Irving Plaza
I am kind of obsessed with Chase Atlantic. I truly believe they were made in some “sci-fi pop lab” where music execs placed into chemistry tubes every single thing that makes “boy bands” cool and mixed them up to perfect temperature. Yes, that is an outlandish, improbable theory but it is as fun as their performance at Irving Plaza.
Opening for Lights, Chase Atlantic felt right at home in the bigger venue. At their Rockwood show, everyone was packed in like an over-crowded house-party. Yet, being at a bigger, still crowded venue felt more electric. Like we all had enough space to breathe in the dynamism that is Mitchel Cave. He is like a modernized blend of Mick Jagger and Kurt Cobain; drawing upon the outcast nature of the latter and mixing it with Jagger’s cool, rebelliousness.
Chase Atlantic approach the stage like the “art kids” of high-school; brilliantly creative and almost too advanced in mind for classrooms and halls. This may sound like a “facetious” alliteration, but it matches their young, alienated vibrancy. There might not be another era that so captures how potently we can feel alone, while also be pure in possibility. Tracks like “No Friends”, “Angeline”, and “Okay” embrace the potential or seeking of greater things, while “Drugs & Money” and “Triggered” show how we can trivialize them in definition. Like any batch of young guys, Chase Atlantic sing to desired success and the deviousness of its appearance.
Chase Atlantic – “SWIM” (Official Music Video)
Sometimes, we think we are getting something wonderful, but, instead, we get duped. From “Into It” to “Swim”, Cave tussles around the stage like he is battling inner demons. He breaks down his voice and lyrics into utter physicality, and goes into the crowd to enrapture viewers even more. He will do anything for you to feel the pain and pleasures of Chase Atlantic’s tracks, and plays with his emotive vocals to show his lyrical fears of falling in love, partying too hard, or staying too long in dreams. It gives a level of drama to their performance and furthers the theatricality of their sound. This is important because, though their songs are dark rock/R&B masterpieces, there are a LOT of artists making great work. Thus, every artist, has to rely on their presence to rise and Chase Atlantic have it in droves. For More Information On Chase Atlantic Click Here.
Chase Atlantic – “Okay” (Official Music Video)