Concert Review: Dream Wife Make Me Want To Marry Them At Knitting Factory
I can sum up my love and felt empowerment for Dream Wife’s Knitting Factory performance in this Rihanna giphy:
Notice how Rihanna looks like she is about to TEAR INTO SOMEONE’S SOUL! Well, Dream Wife made a whole lot of women feel exactly like that in their Knitting Factory performance, and we were all better for it. Rakel Mjöll is like the Sid Vicious of femme punk; promoting rage, revolution, and relationship advice, all at once.
I had seen Dream Wife before awhile back, and I cannot believe how much better they have gotten. They were always good, but it seems time has built their confidence to a level that makes me wish their names were on every Midterm Election Ballot. Their capacity to make women feel good in their femininity is so attractive, cool, and pushes me to wear my new, “Support Your Local Bad Bitch” t-shirt: one of their march items. Their sheer, unapologetic love for ladies, especially ones that love themselves, made their performance absolutely electric….. and this is their debut tour!
Dream Wife – Hey Heartbreaker
THEIR DEBUT TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine what heights they can achieve if they keep gaining a confidence that makes them both amiable and admirable. Rakel Mjöll is one of the most interpersonal and inclusive lead singers you will ever see. She flirtatiously looks into the audience: connecting with individual fans as if every time they sing her lyrics, jump to Alice Go’s guitar melodies, or let their heart kick to Bella Podpadec’s bass riffs, they are hugging their Dream Wife. The band absorbs their fans’ energies as if they are the lifeline of tracks like, “Hey Heartbreaker,” “Lolita,” “Fire,” “Kids,””F.U.U.,” and “Let’s Make Out”. Our cheers and moshing turned these tracks into the anthems for women whom are DONE acting like they do not know what they want, need, or should get from men and this world.
Dream Wife – Somebody
Do I recommend Dream Wife? YAS, KWEEN! I, particularly, recommend their show for one of the funnest, most distinguishable, and different “ladies’ night” anyone can ever have. Dream Wife are like the Spice Girls and NVDES decided to create a punk group to empower women, and chose Rakel Mjöll as a lead singer because no one can chop, chip, and chirp a lyric for all its playful annotations quite like her. Together, this trio proves good music is better when it is different, and it is great when it makes its crowd feel different: strong. For More Information On Dream Wife Click Here.
Dream Wife – F.U.U. ft. Fever Dream