Concert Review: Flipp Dinero Get The Bag At Gramercy

Pop and Hip Hop are two genres that have complete, “get the bag” mentalities. They have no qualms amplifying the business aspect of music in both image and verse. Money moves the world, good or bad, and they do not deny it. Yet, rare does someone embrace the flesh and blood of green stacks and stay as charming as Flipp Dinero. 

At Gramercy Theatre, Flipp waltzed out the audience like a kid skipping down the yellow brick road. This was his night/ his life, and it was perfect. Supported by Audiomack and High Hemp, CBD/Weed and music were at the forefront of people’s minds and mouths. The result was a show that let people be chill, happy, and unabashed about their love for both. Flipp Dinero knew this and had no qualms mentioning his consistent romance with Mary Jane; something that could be seen in his songs. 

Flipp Dinero – If I Tell You

His verses flow between a man that will yell off every mountain peak his love for a good party, good people, and a really good profit, while also declaring he will obliterate the ones that try to stop him from such gains. This is Hip Hop; the battle between self-prosperity and the frenemies roaming to stop it. The magic of Flipp Dinero, as a a rapper, is his ability to transfer that into a bop. There is something enlivening about being able to sing about the good you have to the enemies that do not want you to have it. Something about that feels really badass, especially over a heavy bassline. 

Flipp Dinero – Leave Me Alone (Official Video)

While the night was a revolving door of rappers, with a fews songs for their set, Flipp Dinero made his mark. He went into the audience with glee and spit verses with fire. The way he hovers the microphone as if it is a gold bar makes his songs appear accessibly rich or, at least, the way that crowd loved him did. For More Information On Flipp Dinero Click Here.