Concert Review: Flor Blossom At Terminal 5

Playing at THE GIANT venue of Terminal 5, Flor’s music felt perfect. It presses into an ambiance like a hand pushing through a bubble, which seems perfect considering that most of their songs are about reaching for some sense of optimism amongst the nonsensical. Thus, their indie pop sound bounced for its ability to add color to life’s grey.
Sonically, Flor played their synth-guitar melodies moved like the wheels of a printing press; allowing their lyrics to be the words making “news.” Tracks like, “Unsaid,” “Restless Soul,” and “Rely” spoke to what we wish we could say about or do for ourselves with our partner but yet, if you can’t be who you need for yourself then no one else can provide for you. It is a simple message that feels crystalized into songs that are made to be catchy and coolly epic like, “Overbehind” or “Slow Motion.” They ignite a sing along; making you feel like you already know the lyrics while you are learning them. Yet, this depth feels tripped on.
flor: overbehind [OFFICIAL VIDEO]It is as if Flor’s goal is to make a simple delivery, and, through each song, it becomes gourmet. In essence, they really are there to play their hearts out and make the audience love them as much as they love the audience, and, through that, they create a magnetic, energetic performance. For Flor, music is a language, and if the crowd understands how honored they are to be fluent, then the night can be filled with a genuine conversation. They let songs such as, “Get Behind This,” “Warm Blood,” and “Hold On” speak to the ambiance and build the struggle of hopeful romantics; the ones that never let the bitterness of life ruin its potential sweetness, especially for love.
flor: hold on [OFFICIAL VIDEO]Flor means “flower” in Spanish and, in a way, that is how Flor arranges their music: like hearts blossoming. This is especially true with Zach Grace’s voice. He uses his notes like they are another instrument being added to the song’s building soundscape, which may sound obvious but not every artists does that. For him, he stands out by how he blends his voice into Flor’s atmospheric sound. The result is an act that headlined even while opening. For More Information On Flor Click Here.