Concert Review: Hudson Taylor Spark Marriages At The Loft

There is an undeniable earthiness to Hudson Taylor that makes their concert feel like a fresh cup of water after a long run through a desert. Their music becomes desired and needed in its capacity to address the sullen of life, but also the resilience that people show through it. Thus, it seemed befitting that a couple would get engaged in their show.

People may talk about how dark these times are, but life is still moving on. Everyday, I hear of a friend getting married, a cousin getting pregnant, or an old buddy moving away. As a society, we may not be making the best choices, but Hudson Taylor sing to the individual’s chance to make better ones: more loving ones. With both Alfie and Harry on vocals, you can tell that these two men are brothers, and that, together, they have learned hope isn’t foolish; it is our fuel.
Hudson Taylor – One in a Million (Lyric Video)

“Battles,” “Old Soul,” “Travellin,” and “Feel It Again” stomped and streamed through The Loft’s ambiance like children crossing a river. You could hear the pitter patter of glee in each of their melodies, and revel in the innocence and playfulness that was Alfie and Harry’s harmonies. While they may sing to the “struggles” of trying to be a good human being, they, ultimately, send a lyrical message that the best way to be better is just to be it. For them, happiness is not a process that leads to a choice, but a choice that leads to a process. The minute you decide to be loving and joyous, you will be able to approach the flutes and strings of their melodies that sweep over you like you are not the children crossing but the river itself: nature.
Hudson Taylor – You Don’t Wanna Know (Lyric Video)

As the couple kissed and a pregnant lady, next to me, cheered, I oddly felt apart of the circle of life. The sibling duo sang “Pray For The Day” and smilingly celebrated that their music was, literally, enacting what it was singing to: moving forward. No matter how bad things get, don’t forget you are still alive, and, if you need a reminder, go see Hudson Taylor in concert. They cheer, they chant, and they make the audience feel like the chorus to their musical rise. For More Information On Hudson Taylor Click Here.