Concert Review: Indigo De Souza Will Hold Us At Baby’s

Many times, before a show, an artist picks the songs that go on before their act. While I do not know if Indigo De Souza passed playlist before she did her set, Doja Cat’s “Kiss Me More’ came on and the crowd went wild. If you listen to both ladies, they do not sound alike, at all. Yet, as Indigo belted her broken heart out over the mic, amidst smiles and guitar riffs at Baby’s All Right, I saw their commonality: fabulosity. 

No, you do not need to wear a glittered bodysuit and a feather boa to fabulous, but I highly recommend it for fun. Yet, Indigo De Souza was the opposite, she was casual and fabulous with her curly hair rocking upon her face to frame it like artwork, as seen in the photos above. She released all her feeling through tracks like, “Hold U” and “Kill Me,” as if they were bottled up, and only on stage did she uncork or “un-wine.” Naturally, the crowd flocked like seagulls to anyone letting their feelings out because, frankly, most of us do not. We live in a world where, for most of us,  the closest we will ever get to a “pent-house,” is how we symbolically “pent and house” our emotions. Yet. Indigo stood out because she embodied the hypocrisy of feelings. 

Sometimes, you want to be with someone more than you want to be with yourself, while simultaneously praying a local truck hits them or vice versa. Yes, I know that is a rather dark, intrusive thought, but Indigo sings to the shades that hue over your sunlight; the times when a few storm clouds remain as the rainbow pops over you and your new love. How do you not feed or focus on that storm-cloud? HELLO! There is STILL A RAINBOW! That dichotomy pounced through her music like a wildling, which was pretty cool considering how benevolent and quiet she was as a person. 

We do not know the worlds that live inside each human being, and Indigo De Souza’s pleasantly shy demeanor was perfect to display that. She open to the world and her crowd, while singing to feeling like the most shut out person. I guess, for me, an onlooker, it was interesting to see a packed crowd of people that felt the same. I hope they all exchanged numbers to keep in touch and start the “Indigo De Souza Shy Club.” For More Information On Indigo De Souza Click Here.