Concert Review: Jaden Smith Is Fearless At T5

Jaden Smith is, currently, on his The Willow & ERYS tour, and it is a rocket-ship of a show. LITERALLY! From lighting to set, Jaden’s entrance to the stage feels like an astronaut landing on Jupiter to moon-walk or rather mosh-pit. At Terminal 5, he completely matched his vibe as an artist that sees himself as an eccentric.

Often, I have said that “vulnerability” is the new key to artists’ rise; with more singers singing to how anxious they are over how in love. Yet, part of vulnerability, is knowing that you are “off,” and like a key to a wrong door, you just won’t fit in. Jaden Smith does not “fit in,” which is why, to fans, he was their symbol of cool. For a young man that is not topping in the charts or blasting through radio-plays, he felt beyond that by crossing the lines from cult to culture. He was being followed by that packed warehouse of people, not just because of his music, but his total vibe.
Jaden – Again

PEOPLE WANT TO BE JADEN SMITH! He was gliding through the stage as if every verse was a sneak attack, of which it was hard not see a little of Will Smith in Jaden. Their delivery is simultaneously powerful and light-hearted like taking a drive through the beach in a tank. Moreover, his shared stage with Willow made the Smiths feel like the new Jacksons. Their dynamic was giving me full-blown Michael and Janet Jackson in Scream, which, naturally, made me want to happily scream. Sonically, their sound combines Hip Hop, futurism, with avant-garde splashes of R&B. They are are like MoMa of Hip Hop music and I am for it.
Jaden – Icon

Willow and Jaden Smith’s energy is invigorating because they are talented, young, and believe they are stars, which is not a common vibe amongst today’s youths. Talk to older members of AARP, and they will say in their elderly voices,“The youth these days is cocky and don’t know how to work.” Yet, I have interviewed several artists, most in their teens and twenties, and I am always surprised by how scared they are for themselves and the world. Do not get me wrong; we have reasons to fear, but I guess I though the youth, especially of prior generations, were not just the hope for the future but had hope for it, as well. Hence, the true, gem of Jaden Smith’s ERYS tour is that he feels fearlessly young; a man conscious of the world’s madness, but is crazy enough to think he can make it sane. For More Information on Jaden Smith Click Here.