Concert Review: LIDO IS LIT-O At Mercury Lounge

What a title? Am I right? Yet, the point gets across. As a one-man band, Lido feels like a supernova; as most multi-instrumentalists do. Seeing someone be completely independent in being dependent on their own vision is always invigorating, especially to New Yorkera. NYC is filled with millions of people who came here to make THEIR dreams come true and be their own bosses; only to find themselves gaining a boss and make their boss’ become real. Thus. Lido, at Mercury Lounge, was inspiring.

We all wish we were talented in the arts. My mother is wonderful at physics and chemistry, but ask her to hit a vocal note or paint one color with a brush and, suddenly, you no longer believe in science. While LIDO could make the “littiest” beat, I think admiration played into how beloved he was by the crowd. Yes, he was fun, but his talent is bound to making fun; as if he was born to jumpstart parties. 

Lido – How to Do Nothing (Cover video)

Imagine that! God in a cloud dreaming up little party-starters like NOTD or Lido. Telling herself, that if humanity is going to constantly self-sabotage, it really does not a level of sonic escapism. To the latter, LIDO played smiling and contorting his body and face as if he was Han Solo and every beat was a laser to Imperial forces. NOTE: I love Star Wars. He has a personality that feels like his music: kick-ass and creatively intelligent. Every sound was intricately placed to convince the audience that, perhaps, YES they could be music ninjas: doing high-kicks to the Negative Nancys in their life . 

Lido – I O U 2 (Visual EP)

Like Youngr or even Flatbush Zombies, who have an NYC show on Halloween, I find Lido too difficult to describe, which is why he is such a perfect act for everyone. Every person needs a day when they can dance, laugh, and drink like no one is watching. He provided Mercury Loungers a club level experience in a casual lounge, and he did this by being a feel-good time. For More Information On Lido Click Here.