Diandra Interview Lili Kendall: A Lonely, But POWERFUL Empress

Lili Kendall is a lonely empress; a fierce woman who is looking into her spirit to see how love, life, and, ultimately, her love life can transfer into a song. With her new single out, “Third Degree Love Crimes,” I got to interview her on how heartbreak has pushed her to heal, and even how tarot cards have made her connect with ‘healing” as universal force. As you read on, you will see that Lili Kendall sees music as cosmic, which means her artistry has to be as cosmic, as well. Trust me when I tell you that she can be powerfully wise!

Diandra: How would you define a “lonely empress,” and describe a moment when you felt like one? 

Lili: “lonely empress” was the bittersweet idea that, at the time, in order to be The Empress, I also had to be Lonely. 

Diandra: Your songs promote self-growth even in the face of hard decisions and heartbreaks. What is a piece of wisdom you gained through a heartbreak? 

Lili: A piece of wisdom that I gained during this past heartbreak was that you have to feel every emotion in order to heal. There’s no point in rushing to get over the heartbreak; you need the sadness in order to experience the happiness.
third degree love crimes

Diandra: With the world in such a crazy crisis, how do you find power in isolation? 

Lili: I find power in isolation as I think being alone is super important. Creating is always my main release, especially in times like these. I’ve been writing music everyday, recording, grading, painting, and cooking good food. I’m also blessed enough to be able to stay focused on my project coming out. People think its important to stay busy, but I think that’s what we always do. I think this is an incredible time to force people to actually slow down and just be; not many of us do that anymore and it’s scary for a lot of people to be alone with themselves. You are worth more than how hard you work or how much you can achieve. 

Diandra: Having done tarot card readings, what is one prediction you got that surprised you? A guidance that you felt powerful? 

Lili: My friend Layne has this deck of Russian tarot cards and instead of pulling a set amount of cards, you use the whole deck in a square formation so that the cards join together and create a picture to read. It always baffles me how spot on it is and I just think it’s a super different way to do tarot that I’ve never seen before. 

Diandra: Pick a card for yourself while filling out this interview, which one did you get and how did you interpret it? 

Lili: I have an oracle deck I draw from most mornings. It has different goddesses and deities and I like to ask for one of their guidance and protection for that day. Today I drew Diana, the Roman Moon Goddess, and her quote is “keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings, and actions focused on your target, and you will make your mark.”

lonely empress

Diandra: Having moved from Brisbane to LA to “live the dream,” what are the things you expected versus the things you learned in trying to make it as an artist in LA? 

Lili: I had been coming to LA since I was thirteen to write music, so I already had the understanding of the f*ckery that comes with it; even though I was sheltered by my parents and age at the time. The biggest thing I learned when I came back, by myself, is that you can never doubt or question yourself. There will be a lot of people that come and go and promise you things, but you are the constant when it comes to you and your music; so stick to your guns. 

Diandra: What are the qualities you most love about yourself? 

Lili: My ability to create, my health, my consciousness, and my freckles.

Diandra: With your release set, love, herself, how did creating this record help you see what femininity means to you and how would you define it so? 

Lili: My idea of femininity was very traditional before moving to Los Angeles and discovering that I had the space to grow into my own definition of self. Shaving my head definitely took me down another path of how I perceived my femininity. I think we all need to connect to our feminine more and define it for ourselves; it isn’t a physical thing you can see.

Diandra: With your music being tied to pop and R&B, what are your favorite love songs from these genres and what have they taught you about romance?

Lili: That’s hard because I think R&B’s foundation is love and pop is kind of the same way as well. We as humans are just generally so inspired by love; it’s a driving force. But here’s a playlist with some of my current favorites: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/31qd4UIVlfEMtbmvGIOeEI?si=cTaS09GGTsiNXKrnZH6w_Q

Lili Kendall – love, herself.

Diandra: What is your childhood memory with music?    

Lili: My parents’ CD collection in the living room of my childhood home, which felt so much taller than me. I’d make up dance routines with my big sister, Laura, to the said CD collection. I think I forced her to come up with choreography to Britney’s self titled album in 2001 for like an entire month. (she laughs)

Diandra: Your songs observe universality, what are things about or messages you feel the universe sends and people ignore? 

Lili: I think more people should pay attention to numbers, and recurring situations/hardships are not bad luck, but they are lessons unlearned that the universe has to keep trying to teach you through physical experiences. 

Diandra: With your music being so visual, what are some movies or artworks that inspire song to you?

Lili: I never considered myself a visual person, but I am starting to trust that quality in myself more. I’ve always loved the renaissance period when it comes to artwork — Boticelli’s ‘Birth of Venus’  actually inspired my album artwork. I wanted to recreate his vision, but change all the figures in the painting to be me. You can see a little preview when you pre save the album here: https://ffm.to/loveherself