Concert Review: Lola Kirke Takes Us Elsewhere

Simplicity is always something that fascinates me because it is something I am not. I might as well be a walking Christmas ornament with how ornate and shiny I like to be and feel. Yet, there is security in simplicity; in not needing much to feel all. For Lola Kirke, music has given an opportunity to turn down and tune in, but make not mistake she still glistens like an ornament. 

Frankly, I was glad she was playing on the Elsewhere roof because, otherwise, she would have blown the roof off. Alright that is enough of puns, but she did make me wonder if simplicity is letting yourself heart be the element of “DRAMA” in a moment. Letting how your voice quakes in yearning when you beg love to stay, how your hair swings back and forth as you nod away its excuses to leave, and letting your eyes look to Heaven as if to stare long enough at a sky makes you get an answer to Life’s meaning. A known actress, Lola Kirke EMOTED with such power and prowess, but I could tell that music, for her, helped her shine in a “simple” way; she didn’t put on a character as much as a spirit. 

Lola Kirke – Mama (Official Video)

If you ever took an acting lesson; a professor will tell you to analyze the history of a character. They will ask you to break down a scene and every character’s line for emotion, which a lot of singers do when it comes to performing a song, as well. In many ways, a song is a scene into the fear and faith of a human being, which could be felt in tracks like, “Mama,” “Monster,” and “Omens.” A scene appeal to a moment, but a song can appeal to an essence, of which Lola Kirke was appealing to the wonder and woe of being alive and knowing that such a state does not last forever but when does the feeling ALIVE begin? 

Lola Kirke – Omens (Official Video)

Okay, I got deep for this review, but I really like Lola Kirke. She feels like New York City’s version Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn. Her essence is of a city Milllennial; hacking into the old, social frames that tell us success is formulaic. Yet, she sings to such hackings like a classic, lovelorn country star; pining for inner peace to stay awhile and have some peach tea on the sun porch. For More Information On Lola Kirke Click Here.