Concert Review: Marcaux Is Lil Peeping At Mercury Lounge

Watching Marcaux at Mercury Lounge, helped me understand the wave of Lil Peeps hitting the Hip Hop scene. Now, I am not saying they sound alike. On the contrary, Marcaux goes for a classic Hip Hop bounce with light; approaching the stage like he is in an underground rap battle with ……himself. Hence, my comparison is not in sonic style as much as emotional.

Hip Hop has always been emotional, but, admittedly, for communities of color, it is hard for us to express how bad it feels to be systemically oppressed. “It sucks” does not even begin to cut it. Hence, Hip Hop displays the realities of being held down while dancing around, and eventually in, our sentiments over it. Hence, the marvel of Eminem, Logic, and Lil Peep is not just their white skin, but also that they are 100% emotional. THEY ARE SWIMMING IN FEELINGS! GOOD, BAD, EMPOWERING, AND UGLY! I use this rambling explanation to set up how all Marcaux’s new/old songs in his set, including his freshly dropped track “Harm,” were about the feeling of wanting to self-destruct, whether the world or your own mind is pushing you to do so. Of course, people loved it.

On The Fly (Live Studio Session) – Marcaux

Sometimes, for however many enemies you have, you are the worst one. Marcaux delivers his verses like punches; waving his hands as if he is tossing invisible gold bricks into the crowd, which he is. His flow could compete with a river in smooth. Moreover, HE IS A PERSONALITY! Expressive in speech, swag, and, of course, song, he make you remember him. He clearly wants to impress and he does because, frankly, who has not built a bond with a stranger by looking at them in the midst of something stupid or crazy.

Marcaux – Harm

Marcaux’s show is like when a fight breaks out, and everyone gathers to watch, and he is that stranger next to you saying,“This s**t is crazy! People are idiots,” and you, in your wonder say, “Why yes….yes they are!” Yet, for however moronic we claim and prove the world is, oddly enough, we can feel like the biggest doofus in the universe. While we know others are worse than us in hearts, it does not stop us from breaking our own as if it was ugly and bad. Marcaux shows this truth and hypes you enough to get over it and maybe even change it. For More Information On Marcaux Click Here.