Concert Review: Masego Is Followed At Irving Plaza
Frankly, in a concert, the crowd is as important as the artist. An epic performer can fall flat with a dead crowd, and an amazing audience can flatline with a snoozy performer. Going into Irving Plaza, there was no doubt Masego would ROCK the show, but I was surprised to see how into him his fans are.
From “Old Age” to “Tadow,” the crowd recited Masego’s lyrics as if they were their own declarations. They thrusted their hands and heads as if in offering to him; with women climbing their guys’ shoulders just to feel more clearly pathed to the music genius. Similar to Gabriel Garzon Montano, Masego’s fans give him a Messianic treatment. Throughout the night, I overheard fans saying this was their fifth time seeing him or how they drove from Philly and Virginia just to witness “Masego Magic.” It threw me aback because I have never felt that passionate about an artist, but, at Irving Plaza, Masego had more than a fandom: he had a FOLLOWING.
Masego ft SiR – Old Age (Official Video)
If Masego wanted to start a religion off of that night, he could have. He certainly had the backing of excellent vocalists, and the preacher personality to make you believe life had a certain set of universal laws. Yet, for him, those rules were make love, be love, give love, and receive love. While I mentioned in my album review Masego’s jazzed charm, in concert, he is swag in the flesh. Seeing him just before the show, I saw a regular guy chatting with his friends in his sweats. Yet, he transformed on stage as if, within him, lives this deity that needs crowd cheers and reverence to conclude what he already knows: life is filled with distractions, but only good love can keep your attention.
Masego ft SiR – Old Age (Official Video)
“Prone,” “I Had A Vision,” and “Lady Lady” were just a few examples of how Masego’s voice was cast over the crowd like a fishnet, and he caught plenty. The energy from the Sold-Out Sunday show made you feel like the weekend was not ending. Yet, this makes sense as a Masego’s concert makes it hard to feel like Life could ever end. Every song zipped and zapped like electric plugs were being tossed into water, and you watched how machine and nature scuffled in sparks. He may be using mix-tables and synthesizers, but his saxophone and soulful vocals capture the raw, romantic nature of love. For More Information On Masego Click Here.
Fkj & Masego – Tadow