Concert Review: Mxmtoon Is My Kimya Dawson At Gramercy Theater

Blessed with a voice that is as clarifying and smooth as eucalyptus lotion on the soul, MXMTOON is a fantastic show. She is so simple in song and heart that she is dreamy. At Gramercy Theater, her crowd was packed with teens and young women that saw her as everything they want to attain: peace and Peppa The Pig balloon. Yet, make no mistake, her songs were all about everything that clashes within you to avoid that. Yet, such duality explains why her show was a hit.

People think chaos is booming as if you becomes a human tornado tearing up your office like Jerry McGuire looking for an exit and a fish tank. Yet, most emotional ruptures happen internally like, a volcano that never explodes but it still piping with lava. Playing off The Masquerade, tracks like, “Prom Dress” and “Feelings Are Fatal” played like Dr.Seussian tales on adulating; each simple verse rhyming with a complex virtue. Mxmtoon lives in this lyrical space, which is why she is such a surprisingly flufflling show like Bulow or Conan Gray; both artists with mass followings that feel young and made for Youtube but actually talk about some serious ish. 
mxmtoon – seasonal depression (official video)

Maybe, it is me, but I feel self-hate is a serious problem, especially when the world feels so dark. How can we not see that a toxic society is toxic not only because people act toxic but also feel it. Now, Mxmtoon wouldn’t step on a cockroach, but, admittedly, she has felt as small as one, which is why she is so refreshing. I, sincerely, cannot understand how Mxmtoon and Rihanna bonafide themselves as shy, when they are literally playing to a room full of people cheering their name, but paradoxes are real, people.!Hence, that is the point; you never know what lives inside someone, and part of staying alive is knowing not to let the worst of you overshadow the best. 
mxmtoon – unspoken words (audio)

Mxmtoon was an absolute sweetheart to fans, and is picking up why her following loves her. She is a ripe blend of harmless, even self-deprecating humor and noble vulnerability; sharing herself with the open intention of connecting with people and wearing a cape. Once again, this plays into her songs that are all about the fears and insecurities born from really wanting relationships but also over-analyzing how you smile, if your “Hello!” was perky enough, and if your friendly advice is actually wise.. Hence, she is perfect for a generation of rising women that want to talk and sing more about themselves then men. Yes, I want to fall in love, but I want to be in love with me, too. For More Information On Mxmtoon Click Here.