It is genuinely hard to describe a good time. They feel too euphoric for words to cheapen them. At NOTD’s Mercury Lounge show, euphoria was attained. They were happy, fun, and completely ablaze in the present, which made them a show to watch and repeat.

It was as guest star galore with artists, like Kelsie Gu, rolling into their performance like an 80’s sitcom. Seriously! The side stage of Mercury Lounge, might as well have had a Cheers sign, as every applauded the new guest star for their songs/ episodes. NOTD”s music is TYPICAL POP! Will she stay? Will he go? Who am I without her? Who am I with him? And yes, I ate it up because why not?! 

NOTD, Shy Martin – Keep You Mine (Lyric Video)

NOTD made my soul feel like it was doing laps on pogo stick around candy land. They were colorful and young, but made such feelings irresistible. For a world that says it just wants to  feel better and have a good time, if you watch the news or read history book, we suck at doing those things. Sometimes, I feel if pure joy drove into my life, it would not find parking. (lol!) Hence, NOTD felt as important as fresh air. They let the soul breathe by shutting down the mind and letting music move the body. 

NOTD ft. Bea Miller – I Wanna Know (Official Video)

Mercury Lounge might as well have been the Marquee; it became a late night club for an early show. People had their glow stick and beers shaking through the room as if life begins at 7pm happy hours, which, arguably, they do. Yet, that is the power of NOTD. As their show ended people walked out as if they NEEDED to find something to do that was as light-hearted and rejuvenating as an NOTD show, which makes me wonder if a lot of group massages were bought on Groupon. It still wouldn’t compare. For More Information On NOTD Click Here.