Concert Review: Paulina Rubio Redefines Legendary At King’s Theatre

Legend is, perhaps, the most wonderful, terrifying word a woman can receive in the industry. It is like when someone calls you “Brave.” On one hand, they are complimenting your virtue, while also saying, “Your life sucks. Glad you have it and not me!” I have called artists legendary because they have left an indelible mark on the music industry and the people that have grown through their sound. Paulina Rubio is no different and, at King’s Theatre, she showed that Legends Never Die because they never stop living. 

It was a non-stop funhouse with Paulina Rubio giving fans costuming, dancers, and medleys of her hits. The fans were so avid for her that they complete forgot that King’s Theatre has seats! They just stood up, went to the front, and believed inching closer to her was like becoming her. In this sense, Paulina Rubio nuanced the term “legend” again. Every fan of hers wanted to be her. She oozed fabulosity; making even a break-up song feels like a nightclub anthem.

Paulina Rubio – Si Supieran

King’s Theatre is legendary, but like Paulina Rubio it knows how to give a performance. Its beauty and exuberance cannot be ignored! Frankly, the ornate, royal red backdrop of the theater was PERFECT for Paulina. Throughout her career, she has been imaged like a living doll; blond, curly hair, top fashions, and a life that is truly international. Like Barbie, she feels like the heightened version of the every woman: a glamorous take on feminism. Frankly, Paulina lived for it. Paulina Rubio – Lo Hare Por Ti

There was no denying that she can give a SHOW just of the pureness of her as an entertainer. She knows how to rile a crowd’s adrenaline and imagination, of which I walked away from King’s Theatre eager to see a Paulina Rubio Rosalia collab. PUTTING OUT THERE UNIVERSE! For More Information On  King’s Theatre Click Here.