Concert Review: At Bowery, Ruel Is An Icon, And Even Germany Knows It

If you did not know, Diandra Reviews It All is international. I get submissions and articles from around the world, which is why when I posted on my IG Story about Ruel, one of my German correspondents wrote, “THIS IS THE NEXT JUSTIN BIEBER!” Note: the All Caps were kept for authenticity. Yes, a German messaged an American about an Australian that might become as big as a Canadian. My friend, international music has never felt more powerful. 

At Bowery Ballroom, Ruel sold out two shows in a row, and they felt sold out. Teens aligned the stage holding out their hands as if one touch of Ruel’s sneaker could cure all ills. Frankly, I was jealous. I never loved anyone more than I love myself so I could not comprehend the feeling, but I could take in that Ruel, genuinely, can sing. Even as a boy in his pre-teens, his voice was rich with textures and tones that could easily hav him doing voice-over for the next Shaft film. 

Ruel – Face To Face (Official Video)

As the young girls gawked at Ruel like he was a Hemsworth that was, actually, their age, Ruel happily riffed and ripped into notes as if pop music was made for gospel. In some ways, the leaps are easy. Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston have made some of the biggest plays of their career by singing to the Lord with a pop backdrop, and the mini-choir behind him helped tracks like, “Hard Sometimes” and “Painkiller” become the hymns from The Gospel of High-school Awakenings. Ruel was powerful because, to his crowd, he was defining. 

Ruel – Real Thing (Official Video)

Sure, J-Biebs has created a ton of bops and, no matter how old he gets, somehow, looks like a teenager registering for PE. Yet, all that is a apart of a bigger picture that explains why a young woman, in another continent, can tell from a 15 second video that a star has been born. Ruel’s hued, vocal tones and boyish looks match the “heartthrob” every young girl desires before they realize that boys are horrible. He sings to wanting to love, fun, and inner peace, which are thing every girl and woman want for themselves and in  romance. In agreeing with them and singing such desires, he becomes their icon. Ruel is a rising icon and, apparently, even Germans know it. For More Information On Ruel Click Here.