Concert Review: T-Rextasy Roar And Bite At Elsewhere

New York is a home for innovation because it is also a home for exploration. Here you will meet people of all walks of life, dreams, pains, thoughts, and talents. T-Rextasy is The Most New York Band because of this, and they put their weirdness on display. At Elsewhere, they were like a children’s drawing come to life; fearlessly colorful and deranged. 

Think About It! Children’s drawings are delightfully delusional, which is why we find them adorable. What Sun, literally, smiles? Since when are flowers 19 feet taller than stick-figure, human beings? T-rextasy plays on that bright illusion: both vocally and sonically. They arrange their instrumentals as if they were inspired by Adventure Time: it is unbelievably young and trippy. On that note, lead sing Lyris Faron would be a cross between Princess Bubblegum and Marceline: a royally bright songstress with no qualms in calling bs out. 

The way Faron sings you would think she is vocally jumping from one universe to another. She never sings a straight note or verse; aiming to keep a sugary vivacity that helps match drum and guitar melodies that feel rolled in pixie dust and caffeine. She even moves as if she is picking and tiering her notes, which adds on to the magic of their set. Though T-Rextasy may seem friendly and “happy go lucky” in style and set,  their songs are all about confronting idiocy, misogyny, homophobia, and whatever the hell else tries to ruin your blue skies.

Introducing new songs from their upcoming LP, Prehysteria, tracks like, “Baby,” “The Zit Song,” and “Girl, Friend,” their upcoming sound is proof that time makes your clearer. They are fully embracing that they live in a pop-punk soundscape that could be written into Cartoon Network, but is fully affronting to the world we live in now. Prehysteria laughs at the tropes we trip on and use to excuse how we block both our own joy and that of others. Luckily, T-Rextasy are like the greatest, splashiest dinosaur to bite back. For More Information On T-Rextasy Click Here.