Concert Review: Vacationer Elevates Mindsets At Music Hall of Williamsburg

Vacationer’s Mindset was one of my fave albums. Maybe, I have some unhealed anxiety issues that makes me incredibly attracted to artists who make me calm. Vacationer’s MHOW show might as well have been the physical embodiment of the word “CHILLAX.”

With a head glowing multi-colors behind him, exactly like their last album, Vacationer immediately sets up that their show was a psychological trip. Lead singer Ken Vasoli is unabashedly about having a therapeutic time; treating his audience as if they are mirages of beauty he adores, wishes to understand, and, above all else, party with! Like Fascinator, he has a “Dude” quality that makes you, easily, want to invite him to a Big Lebowski bowling party.

Vasoli is loving, warm, and completely mad. He is everything a stiff-lipped, posh elder would deem too “free love”, which is why you like him. Too often we dismiss people seeking their higher state of thinking/ being as delusional characters, but songs such as “Euphoria”, “ Shining”, “Good As New”, and “Farther” show a higher thought can save you from a sinking depression. From “Gone” to “In The Grass,” Vacationer played their hearts and vocals to full glee while singing the songs meant to soundtrack you finding your joy. Frankly, the search is pretty quick thanks to Vasoli’s magnetic vocals, and Vacationer’s guitar driven, synth-waved melodies.

Somehow, Vacationer feels like an EDM fest and spa combined; you feel so relaxed yet you want bash into their surrounding rhythms as if you are being surround by a waterfall of rich sounds.  The result is concert that is distinct and welcoming to your week.  My readers KNOW I LOVE PSYCHEDELIA, but Vacationer is an example that this soundscape is not about going mindless and hugging trees (although that is welcomed). Instead, it about bringing down the noisiness of your “day to day”, and transferring it into an actual song. For More Information On Vacationer Click Here.