Concert Review: Wild Belle Turn Up The Bowery
Turning up for Tuesday, Wild Belle turned the beginning of the week into a weekend event. They were giving Saturday vibes with lead songstress Natalie Bergman emanating Erika Jayne/ Housewife Turned Rock Star frequencies. On fashion, alone, she seemed iconic; with a black lace leotard and high boots. The image permeated through a crowd of business suits and after-work attire, and made Wild Belle feel like the music you hear when you really do not want to listen to your boss.
From Beyoncé to Blackpink, there are some acts you hear and know you will not get any work done while doing so. They ignite your spirit to twerk away haters, and, for an instance, make you believe that you are more important than the sun when it comes to turning this world. In essence, Wild Belle ignite the deliciousness of occasional arrogance (lol!). “Rocksteady, “Rock & Roll Angel,” “Cannonball,” and “Dreamland,” have Bergman balancing her voice as if it is a blade dipped in vanilla icing. She has a way of annotating her notes to be both saccharine and slaying; proving that even a good woman can be a fierce b**ch.
Rocksteady – Wild Belle (Official Video)With blazers and beers abound, the crowd was LIVING for Wild Belle’s reggae/ rock sound. There were like a spinning session for people’s spirit; allowing them to release all work stresses like endorphins. The giddiness of the audience, at hearing the duo’s blends of psychedelia and ska, was infectious and turned the room into a constant party. There was never a “breather” or a “turn down,” which made the night feel surreal. It was as if, somehow, Wild Belle had packed together everything we love about clubbing into an hour set; allowing us to avoid the shoves and lows that one has to go through in the hours of trying to maintain a high energy. Wild Belle are a clear burst of happiness and seduction.
Mockingbird – Wild Belle (Official Video)Wild Belle sing and play to the wild beauty in all of us. The young woman or man that does not care who is looking at them dance, sing, laugh, and act crazy. They promote a sensual fearlessness that felt original because it took Reggae’s story-telling style and matched it with pop’s sweetness. For More Information On Wild Belle Click Here.