Diandra Interviews The Crystal Fighters: Wisdom And Music ALIGN!
You ever meet a stranger and strike up a striking conversation. As they talk, you feel your mind expand, and you have one of the most refreshing moments anyone can have between two human beings. To meet someone new with new ways for you to live better is a rare miracle. Hence, my interview with the epic musicians/ spiritual seekers Crystal Fighters feels like you are meeting a wise stranger that has some really great music.
Diandra: You made Everything Is My Family after some very personal journeys had occurred in your life. How was this title/ phrase derived, and has it changed or grown more personal in meaning now that you are touring for the record?
Crystal Fighters: The title came from a circle song called “Todo Es Mi Familia”, and the message of the song is to view every aspect of our universe as part of one family, with protection and respect being the responsibilities of us humans as conscious guardians of our beautiful home. The name has grown more personal for sure as we have toured the record. Visiting all these different places around the world just confirms and expands its message as we try and integrate its teachings into our vision of the world.
Diandra: Your music is known for its optimism and positivity. Do you feel that music, at times, can promote negativity as much as it is used to confront it?
Crystal Fighters: I agree there is a lot of “negativity” in music today, particularly in the pop sphere. Sounds a little intense, but it seems like Robert Johnson’s idea of selling your soul to the devil in exchange for prolific musical gifts is alive and well in the charts!
Diandra: As a band, and individuals, you have traveled the world and made music in search of a sense of being. In this moment, what would you say it means to be “human”?
Crystal Fighters: Objective consciousness which grants us all these amazing gifts and responsibilities seems to be at the core of being “human”. The choice to do good or bad, the choice to protect or to oppress is all part of soul progress of each human being and life is the classroom in which this moral journey plays out.
Diandra: What is the greatest, spiritual truth that music and mindfulness has taught you?
Crystal Fighters: The idea of spiritual truth is so difficult to define for me, as spirituality is in essence somehow unprovable beyond believing and trusting in something that you have received or experienced. However, I am firmly of the belief that these spiritual or moral truths are all around us, particularly in music, and inside us in the case of mindfulness, so it is down to the individual to try to manifest these teachings into something that resembles truth and consequently a route to a deeper path that serves the soul’s progression.
Diandra: As a a band and performers you are known for your infectious liveliness. What are the pre-stage rituals you do to get pumped for the stage?
Crystal Fighters: We sage the crap out of the backstage, sing mantras and folk songs, as well as our own songs to warm up, listen to some trap or some Umbanda, hugs and smiles. ☺
Diandra: If there is one song, off this new album, that you feel most defines your current head-space what would it be?
Crystal Fighters: In Your Arms for me, as it is about communion with the higher forces.
Diandra: You guys write songs according to what is in your heart and mind. What unwritten lyric is currently strumming in your head for, potentially, a future song?
Crystal Fighters: “Little baby, little coconutty!”
You see what I mean. There are some since nuggets of wisdom there, and their album, Everything Is My Family, is pure joyous gold. Thus, Go See Crystal Fighter at Music Hall Of Williamsburg On April 5 and 6! Moreover, Click Here to learn more about Crystal Fighters.