Diandra Interviews INHEAVEN: The Freedom To Create Your Music Style

INHEAVEN sprawls across the alt.rock spectrum from feral snapfire punk to the moody melodic distortion of shoegaze and the loud/quiet/loud dynamics of grunge. They have quickly arisen as the “go-to” sound for youthful angst displayed amongst artful images and chords. Their capacity to paint love and dissent through musical brushes is one they have fostered by being protective of their creative freedom. For INHEAVEN, your original style is the foundation to any successful, music career. 

Diandra: You first started by uploading your songs/ films to the internet. How did it feel to see something so casual and creative become a door to your career?

INHEAVEN:  It’s feels good, to do something out of our comfort zone and for it to take us on a journey round the world.
INHEAVEN – Regeneration (2017 Version)

Diandra: What did you find were the biggest creative differences from becoming an online project to a performing/ touring band?

INHEAVEN: The creative process is often formed in solitude. So to take out into the public domain involves letting other people into our world. We try and give our live show a personal touch. This can be seen in our fanzines and merchandise which we design ourselves.

Diandra: How do you define creative freedom, and how do you make sure to keep it integral to your process? 

INHEAVEN: Creative freedom for me is not to be held down to a specific genre. Why do the same thing when you have the option to do everything?
INHEAVEN – Sweet Dreams Baby (Official Video)

Diandra: It took so much time, hard work, and dreams to get up to your debut. Now that you have it out in the world what has been your favorite feed back from family, friends, and fans?

INHEAVEN: A lot of fans tell us our music and live show makes them feel free and invigorated. This is what we always said we wanted to achieve, so to here it straight back from people is mind blowing.

Diandra: You have said a fan first falls in love with your song and then your style. Which one of your songs did you fall in love with?

 INHEAVEN: I fell in love with Velvet and it’s still one of our favourites to play live. It’s more of a feeling than a specific style. A fan described it as a song that “sounds like the way love feels”, which I think is spot on.

Diandra: You have stated to discover one band is like starting a cycle of discovery for other bands. What are the top three bands, particularly new artists, that you most listen to?

INHEAVEN: Sunflower Bean, Iceage, and Pale Waves.
INHEAVEN – Stupid Things (Official Video)

Diandra: Having studied and used film as part of your art, what three movies do you feel most resonate with your band’s style?

INHEAVEN: Uncle Buck, Pretty In Pink, and Singles.

Diandra: You use music and visuals to enliven listeners imagination and feelings. How do you hope your music turns their minds back on to societies’ current issues?

We hope to turn people from passive to active citizens who aren’t afraid to speak up and say how they feel.

Diandra: How would you say South London formed your style, sound, and overall perspectives on art?

INHEAVEN: South London is a very creative place, which moves people to always to think and act freely. So it’s always had a big input on our sound and style.
INHEAVEN – Baby’s Alright

Diandra: You have said the best songs capture something that is universal. What are three things you feel every human being knows or will go through?

INHEAVEN: Love, melancholy, Excitement.

Diandra: You have a love/ hate relationship with social media. Do you believe how we enjoy music is socially constructed or personally chosen?  

INHEAVEN:I feel music is personally chosen. A lot of the best songs come to you at the exact right moment in your life.
INHEAVEN – All There Is

For More Information On INHEAVEN CLICK HERE.