Diandra Interviews Micky James: Giving Theatre To Rock N’ Roll
Micky James feels like he is in the right place but the wrong time. He is a rock n’ roller that fits into the 70’s rebellious, glamorous age; where you could fabulously incite anarchy. He hopes to do that now, for this rising generation, that has a lot to riot against, but needs music to make sure they remain confident and unashamed of who they are. Micky James is ready to step up with classic rock and a splash of theatricality.
Diandra: What is your first music memory?
Micky James: My first music memory would be when I watched the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. My dad bought a VHS box set of all of their performances on the Ed Sullivan show. I was about 7 or 8 when I first saw it. At that age it was almost difficult to process exactly what I was watching, but it was bizarrely satisfying. I mean I was completely infatuated. I actually love thought they weren’t real people or something ? It was absolutely perfect. That ultimately led me into being a performer and a guitar player and down the road a song writer.
Diandra: You have been described as “Glam Rock”? Why does it appeal to you?
Micky James: Glam rock is rock n roll. It reeks attitude. It’s dangerous and provokes a message sonically and stylistically. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I come across as ‘glam rock’ . I think in ‘Give it to me straight’ , it specifies elements sonically that represents a nostalgic. In some parts, it has theatrical moments which I think someone could consider it to be ‘glam rock’ but to me it’s just a fun rock n roll song with pop sensibilities.
Diandra: If you were trapped on a deserted island; what three albums would you take with you?
Micky James: That’s a good question. I’d have to go with.
1. The Beatles – 1962/1966 collection
2. David Bowie- Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
3. The Strokes- Is This It
Diandra: What do you feel has changed within you, creatively, in going from a band to a solo artist?
Micky James: It’s hard to tell what has changed within me creatively from being in a band to now a solo artist. I’m still performing the same role as I did in the previous bands I was in. And I’m still playing with a band. It’s hard to say. I think being in a band is very much a democracy. It could sometimes be difficult to shape an identity and a sound with 4 or 5 other people, especially an artist, like myself ,that has a very clear vision of how I want things to sound and to be perceived. So now, as a ‘solo’ musician, it’s a little more liberating creatively to continuously explore that vision and take risks; opposed to having ideas hopefully make it pass a jury panel.
Diandra: You make music that is raw, honest, and spontaneous. How do you work to keep such elements in your music? Do you have creative rituals or methods?
Micky James: I don’t have a band with me in the studio so I look at it from a band’s perspective. How would a band record these songs or how would a band approach writing these songs. That’s where the raw element comes into play. As a solo artist, I still want the music to feel sincere and raw and passionate; not so manufactured. I want the music to feel contemporary and push boundaries to feel new and fresh, but just with a different approach in writing and recording.
Diandra: You have been heavily influence by the 60’s and 70’s. What do you feel these eras represent in you as an artist/ person?
Micky James: In my opinion, some of the best song writers and performers and visionaries came from those eras. I mean the boundaries were consistently pushed. The bar was set at such a high back then that it was always so inspiring to me. It showed me what it takes to be the best. Music from that time always resonated with me, especially rock n roll. Someone like me, that triggers a lot of energy, such music instantly gravitated towards me. It had a message and an unforgiving attitude that spoke to me. It felt larger than life.
Diandra: What was the inspiration behind ‘Give It To Me Straight”?
Micky James: Lyrically, it came from a place of overcoming doubt and fear of being in a long- term relationship. I think in order to jump those hurtles, if you’re in a relationship with someone for quite some time, there has to be that unashamed, unapologetic honesty with each other to break those barriers and land on your feet.
For More Information on Micky James Click Here.