Film/Event Review: Tenacious D Go Post-Apocalypto At Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

I had the ABSOLUTE privilege to see the NC-17, Tenacious D film: Post Apocalypto, and I laughed my butt off. This film is hilariously silly but surprisingly political. (I highly recommend Don JR. see it!) At Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, the two musical comedy legends took some Q’s to give us some A’s. 

Jack Black and Kyle Gass are so amiable and easy-going, which could be why the question portion of the night became an “I love you” session. People were eager to tell them how much their songs got them out of serious emotional, funks, of which Post- Apocalypto does the same. In typical, Tenacious D fashion, the film takes place with the eternally unsuccessful, JB and KG, trying to survive in a world that nuked itself. (Eeeeeeppp!!) The possibility seems all to real with this administration. Still, confronting the very idea that humanity can nuke itself out of existence allows the film to be goofy but show us, humanity, can be too stupid. 

Nazis, KKK, and the political elite of our time will NOT enjoy Post- Apocalypto because Jack Black and Kyle Gass are NOT for the “Orange Menace.” Frankly, this film hilarious pokes fun and enlightens the reality of Trumpism, which is why the movies brings a new nuance to Tenacious D. I will always be thankful when people, who have nothing to lose, fight for those that have lost. Jack Black And Kyle Gass are rich, white men that everyone deems as “harmless” because they are hilarious. Yet, knowing their base and what people expect from them, they took the time to call out the darkness of our time, of which someone will sip “hatorade” and say their feelings were hurt. If there is one thing hypocrites do not know how to fight, it is humor. 

This six chapter odyssey, altogether is 90 minutes, but you MUST watch every chapter of Post Aocalypto. JB and KG are friendship goals, and are massively appealing as characters because they are sweet slackers. They show that failing at life does not mean you cannot go off and laugh at it. This could explain why there was so many penises and vaginas. Everything went back to a sex joke, of which one audience member asked, “Why are you so good at capturing a 14 year old boy’s mind?” Kyle and Jack laughed, and concluded they probably are just grown, 14 year old boys. Yet, I got to witness they truly have a great, inner child within them.

FOR SOME GODLY REASON, Kyle and Jack sat next to me to watch the film, and I could not help but notice how they laughed and even tapped their toes to their own music. I smiled because I love when people enjoy their art. These men created every bit of that cartoon, even the drawings, and they absolutely adored it. Such love and appreciation for your talent furthers how well the crowd receives it. In some ways, the funniness of this film comes from its happiness.  Yes, it could get violent and strange, (cue robot with BJ powers), but, ultimately, it is a joy to watch. It really is about two buddies that love each other like bros, which is the core of Tenacious D. For More Information On Tenacious D Click Here. 

P.S. If you are wondering if this is Tenacious D’s last hurrah! Nope! Their contract with Sony is for 7 albums, of which Post Apocalypto is their 4th.  Personally, I hope Adult Swim watches it, and gives them a Rick & Morty style series. (PLEASE!)