Film Review: It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood Is The Perfect Holiday Film

While It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood is being painted as a film about Mr.Rogers, in truth, it is a film about our relationship with him as seen through the eyes of Lloyd Vogel (Matthew Rhys). Lloyd is the quintessential, successful man who still is dissatisfied with his life. He is a making a good living as a journalist, has a family that loves him, and still can’t seem to grasp a sense of purpose and appreciation, which is all Mr. Rogers lived by.

Admittedly, there were times when I wanted to say, “YOU ARE FINE, LLOYD!” Yet, depression or an “emotional funk” can happen to anyone, even if they have what we all dream of: good job, good family, and a good home. In the end, we all have an issue or dark story as seen with Lloyd’s storyline with his father. Yet, the question pestering Lloyd is more so, “Am I a good person? Do I deserve the good I have and have I really given goodness back?” It is in this question that Tom Hanks’ Mr.Rogers blossoms as a human being who is still questioned over whether he was as kind as he appeared and promoted others to be.

The richness of It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood, naturally, comes through Tom Hanks’ performance. We have the infamous “nice guy” of Hollywood portraying The Legend of Kindness, which lead to epic, heartwarming moments that make you want to run out and volunteer at a soup kitchen or rescue an animal. Hanks manages to give nuance to Mr.Rogers by showing he was a genuinely good man that learned, at an early age, he needed to be better. He was naturally kind, generous, and thoughtful towards others, but if he wanted to bring light to the world and those around him he had to grow even kinder, more generous, and exceptionally thoughtful.

I learned at a young age that virtue is unlimited, which means the minute you gain a virtue, you also gain a lifetime of growing and maintaining it like a Tree of Life growing within you. Rhys shows Lloyd’s growth through his interactions with Mr. Rogers, and you grow with him, too. Contrary to popular belief, as the film’s trailer proclaims, Mr. Rogers suffered through personal pains and and was not perfect, but he made an oath to himself to always elevate and, in turn, he elevated generations of childhoods. Seeing the journey of Lloyd and Rogers makes you cry happy tears as Hanks exalts Rogers as a man genuinely trying to live in good vibes, which make It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood the perfect film for Millennials trying to get mindful.
A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Vignette – Becoming Mister Rogers

Directed by Marielle Heller and written by Micah Fitzerman-Blue and Noah Harpster, It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood is filled with scenes and shots of compassion; with camera literally feeling as a honey haze of sweetness is glazing over it. This film is IMPOSSIBLE to walk out of without feeling better and wanting to be better. So if you are still asking if Mr. Rogers was as kind as he seemed, It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood both confirms it and reveals the struggle Mr. Rogers and all of us have to assure we always remain loving and understanding. . It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood Comes Out November 22.