Film Review: Spies In Disguise Is Your Kids’ Holiday Pick

Spies In Disguise was such a good, original treat for an animation year, dominated by fantastic, animated sequels. This FOX original was a clever spin on the spy movies we love; nodding to their tropes with panache, pizzazz, and prowess. Hence, on Christmas Day, of you are seeking a film for the kiddos, you have it with Spies In Disguise. 

First, any time I see films for kids, with in the theater, I feel like my mind spits between how a kid will enjoy this and how an adult will breeze by this. Frankly, when you are older,  a movie about a spy turned talking pigeon could seem like the last thing you would squeeze within your work week. Yet, Spies In Disguise is super fun and hilarious. 

This film is high octane; filled with action sequences that would make the Fast & The Furious series feel slightly dimmed in stunts. (lol!) I  surprised  because Spies In Disguise takes serious its “spy” backdrop; filling itself with gadgets and James Bond nods/ scenarios. For this, Will Smith is the PERFECT voice for “the world’s most awesome spy” Lance Sterling. Mr. Smith is the epitome of cool and one of the biggest movie star EVER. Thus, he annotates and elaborates, through his voice, the sly, slick arrogance of Lance; a spy who can save the world, even in pigeon form, but has yet to learn what it is to hold a sincere, deep relationship like, friendship. 
Spies in Disguise | Official Trailer 3 [HD] | 20th Century FOX

While we look to children’s films to entertain our kids, they also are meant to educate them. In some ways, cartoons are like our children’s cinematic teachers; meant to keep them calm and, if lucky, morally better. While I noticed kids engulfed by the film and packages of child-loving adrenaline and humor, it is the relationship between Lance Sterling and Tom Holland’s Walter that makes the film worth a holiday trip. We all want out kids to celebrate their minds, but also find people that cherish their voice and intelligence amongst the many that will not. Hence, the way Sterling softens to Walter and, in turn, strengthens the young boy’s confidence makes me, as an adult, happy that kids our watching this film.
Spies in Disguise | Official Trailer 3 [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Holland’s Walter is the epitome a great kid and jin heart. With Lance, he has the typical “high-school nerd” winds up on a project with the “coolest jock.” Yet, as they try to outwit Ben Medelsohn’ Killian, playing the typical, evil mastermind any spy must foil, Sterling becomes a father figure/ older brother to Walter, and the film does well to humanize both into realizing you can’t save the world without knowing what it is to connect with people. What is the point of stopping a villain if you never had a laugh someone or see that love, like that of a mother, is the fuel for a hero? Okay, that may seem like a far-fetched connection but it is true, in some ways. How you love others also motivates how you stop enemies, and Spies In Disguise is  a fun, action-packed film with a sweet, little bromance that will keep the adults enthralled, as well. Spies In Disguise Comes Out On Christmas Day.