Diandra Interviews Etaoin: Being Fearless With Fear
For me, fearless doesn’t mean being without fear as much as making, within you, your fears less than your dreams and your capacity to love. It is about courage over-powering all your doubts and uncertainties so that hope and possibility fill you more than anxiety. I don’t think you can ever, truly, get rid fear, but, for Etaoin, music taught her that you can carry it without letting it carry you. In our interview, she discusses how music gave her the confidence to connect with herself and thus others.
Diandra: What is a movie, book, or tv show you would love turn into a concept album? Why and from what angle?
Etaoin: I love the film 10 Things I Hate About You!! There are so many moments in that movie that you could draw inspiration from for songs. The part where Kat (the main girl) is like “i don’t hate you, not even a little, not at all” gets me every single time. If I was gonna write from an angle, I’d deffo write from Kat’s as I feel like I can relate to the way that she keeps her cards close to her chest and doesn’t always say what she’s thinking.
Diandra: What is an album you would love to turn into a movie? Why, what would be the premise, and who would be the cast?
Etaoin: OOoOOooooO that’s a good one. Okay, SO if I had to turn an album into a movie I’d have to go for Without Fear by Dermot Kennedy. Everything he writes literally feels like the storyline of the best romance novel ever?! I’d say, cast wise, I’d go for Saoirse Ronan playing the female love interest because she’s hilarious and has so much character, and then Dermot as himself because he’s a legend and deserves to lap up the credit (haha).
Diandra: What are the aspects of your personality you feel come out in your music and you hope people connect with?
Etaoin: My music is all based on actual situations with real people/feelings I’ve had’ so honestly I’d say all aspects of my personality come out. All in all, I just really hope that people will feel like they can connect with the brutal honesty and the lack of filter in my songs.
Diandra: What inspired Bedroom Walls, and what 3 emotions/ vibes from it you think people will relate to?
Etaoin: I wrote Bedroom Walls one night at like 3AM because I wanted to call this boy, but we hadn’t left things on good terms so I didn’t out of pride. It’s also about the feeling of waiting for your old self to come back. I think people will be able to relate to the “i’m faking it to my mates and saying I don’t care about my ex anymore when low key I do” vibe of Bedroom Walls. I’d also say girls especially will relate to the lyrics “if I was prettier, if I was skinnier” as there’s such a pressure on girls with social media etc to look perfect. Side Note: if you’re a girl reading this and can relate to that lyric, he’s a loser and you’re more than pretty enough and you aren’t the
problem!! Your body is literally your home and is beautiful – go eat the pizza! MAKE ME PROUD!
Diandra: What is your favorite childhood memory with music?
Etaoin: I have so many musical memories that I could go into here, but one that always sticks out is driving home to Ireland with my family. I’m like 7 years old in the backseat with my big brother next to me. Both my parents are in the front and my dad is blaring “Word Of Mouth” by Mike and the Mechanics through the radio. The windows are rolled down, we’re driving down some Irish backroad full speed ahead, and my brother and me are screaming our lungs out when the chorus hits.
Diandra: If your guitar was like your best friend or lover, what would you say she provides you in the relationships and what would be a day you planned for her in thanks?
Etaoin: This question is amazing (haha). My guitar definitely feels like my friend at this point. I’ve literally named him Murphy. For me, my guitar definitely provides a safe place that I can turn to when I feel a difficult emotion. To answer your question though, if Murphy was an ACTUAL real living and breathing guy ,I think I’d probably buy tickets to some sort of event he really wanted to go to (eg football game or gig or something), make him a card to say thanks for being a big legend, and ask his mates to help me plan some sort of huge surprise gathering for after the event where everyone would celebrate!!
Diandra: What has music helped you see in what you give to your relationships versus what you want from them?
Etaoin: I think music has helped me see that you only get back as much as you give, and sometimes you have to take a risk on something ,even if it feels scary. At least, if it all goes up in flames, you’ll know that you tried and gave it your best
Diandra: If you could create the perfect pop song featuring your fave artist, who would it be, why, and what would the song be about? Can you imagine a lyric?\
Etaoin: OoOooOOOOOooo, if I could do a song with an artist it would have to be either Taylor Swift, Dermot Kennedy ,or Ed Sheeran. All 3 of those artists have had such a huge influence on me as a songwriter. I imagine if I was to write with any of them, the song we’d end up writing would probably be about how mind blown and baffled I am that I’m somehow writing a song with Taylor Swift/Dermot Kennedy/Ed Sheeran (hahaha!) Would be truly mental!!
Diandra: Describe your first crush, and your favorite song that most describes that feeling.
Etaoin: Omg, okay so, first crush was one of my brothers’ friends in primary school (hilarious and classic right), and my brother only went and TOLD the guy. Seven year old me was mortified. Nightmare! Song-wise it has to be Fearless by Taylor Swift; it’s the ultimate “I secretly fancy you” song.
Diandra: If you could have your own world, what would be its 3 Laws?
Etaoin: • No violence – all good vibes and energy please!!
• Treat others as you would like to be treated: be kind
• Excess money goes to people and causes that actually need it
Diandra: You say you want to sing without fear. How would you define confidence and courage?
Etaoin: Confidence and courage to me isn’t about not having fear, but accepting that fear is natural and making the decision to do what you’re scared of even though it’s uncertain. It’s about making yourself temporarily uncomfortable, in the hopes, that it will lead to a better outcome and putting yourself on the line.
For More Information On Etaoin Click Here.