Diandra Interviews GRAACE: Seeing Your Truth Through Music
Music makes you honest with yourself. A song can encapsulate a feeling so well that not only does it reflect it, but it elevates it to teach you a truth about yourself. Immediately, from GRAACE’s answers, I felt her sincerity. She is a woman that cares about people in a world and industry that, many times, does not. Maneuvering her open heart is not easy, but, in our interview, GRAACE discusses how songwriting put her feelings into proper gear.
Diandra: How does music help you confront situations and people?
GRAACE: I’ve always been someone to hide my emotions and bottle things up to avoid having to confront my feelings. Being able to confidently release these songs I’ve written alone or with people I’m close with gives me confidence more so in my real life to speak up because of the support of the people listening to my music.
GRAACE – Last Night
Diandra: Has songwriting helped you become more honest with yourself about love, life, and everything in between?
GRAACE: 100%. Listening back to my songs It’s kind of like my past self sending messages of what I’ve f**ked up and to be careful and more open to the fact that I’m not always right and it’s okay not to be okay. I’m pretty lucky I have an outlet to go to when I’m feeling like I can’t speak. I’ve definitely incorporated the honesty to myself and others around me in my day to day life since I’ve been paying closer attention to details.
Diandra: What are the most common emotions you find you release in your songs?
GRAACE: I can’t really even explain but it feels like a huge weight is lifted when you finish a song. Going from having nothing into something is one of the most satisfying feelings for me. As much as I love writing more upbeat songs, I think a lot of the time I fall onto songwriting when I’m sad and need to let things out so that would probably be the most common.
GRAACE – Have Fun At Your Party
Diandra: What inspired you to get a Baby tattoo on the back of your neck?
GRAACE: In all honesty, I just like the word baby haha. I call pretty much all my close friends it because I just find it cute. I promise there is more meaning to the rest of my tattoos, don’t judge me haha.
Diandra: You have said it is hard for women to get emotional without feeling judged. Do you feel the music industry has grown in letting women speak/ sing for themselves?
GRAACE: Immensely!! It’s hard to not speak up without being called a ‘bitch’ or ‘over dramatic,’ but if it was a male saying the same things people wouldn’t blink an eye. I think the music industry has embraced women’s voices this past year, in particular, a lot and it’s showing. All of my top listened to songs of 2019 were all women, as well as my sister, so we must be doing something right!
GRAACE – ’21st Century Love’ (live for Like A Version)
Diandra: As a songwriter, what other artists do you admire as songwriters?
GRAACE: Gosh, I can’t even make a list long enough. Julia Michaels, Finneas, Daniel Ceaser, Post Malone (his melodies are so good), H.E.R. The list could really go on and on.
Diandra: Singing to self-love and building confidence, who are the people that most exemplify dignity to you?
GRAACE: My Mum!!! She’s an angel
Diandra: What is it that you most love about yourself?
GRAACE: How much I care.
Diandra: In honor of 21 Century Love, what are the highs and lows, you find, in modern dating, and what is your advice for dealing with them?
GRAACE: Social media would probably be the main problem I’ve noticed, in particular, this last year. It’s hard to stay in the present and see what you have in front of you when everybody is usually looking for the next best thing, and its made pretty easy for us. It’s taken away having to work through tough times and build a relationship because you can, so easily, just replace someone now if you’re not strong enough to stick by someone. I think being open and honest with your partner and loved ones is massive and to learn to appreciate the highs with the lows.
For More Information On GRAACE Click Here.