Diandra Interviews Harlequin Gold: Turning Tragedy Into Art

Art often comes from tragedy, and it makes sense. Who has not heard a song that conveys their thoughts better than their words? Who hasn’t seen a picture or painting that moved them to dream or, at least, a stunning dress that turned fabric into the keys to Vision! With this in mind, Harlequin Gold’s Baby Blue is a meticulous, measured EP based on a family tragedy.

When their brother got into an accident and fell into a coma, two sisters, starting their adult lives in different parts of the world, had to come home and face the potential of things never being the same again. Baby Blue is an indie pop haven for young women and men wondering if a change in course can ever feel right. Our dreams are, literally, the water for our soul, but when things like heartbreak, the loss of family, financial woes, or even the struggle to get into school or work creep into our reality, new doors feel like the sad versions of old ones. Yes, they unlock and get you somewhere, but you didn’t go where you planned. In our interview, Harlequin Gold discuss how destiny weaves more when your plans fail.

Diandra: It was a family tragedy that brought you together musically. How do you feel your music helped you reflect upon fear, loss, and guilt?

 Elle : I’ve always viewed songwriting as a form of therapy for me. If I’m going through something I find the right words come out when I’m sitting in front of my piano. Music has an unmistakable way of drawing emotion out of people. The nostalgia that gets trapped in the chords can bring back fond memories or break your heart all over again. 
Avery: Music has helped me tremendously to reflect on all aspects of life. It’s always been the first thing I turn to in any given mood. It helps pull apart my tangled thoughts, and show me that we are all humans who make mistakes and share the same emotions. 
Diandra: How is your brother today, and how does he feel your music is healing?

Avery and Elle: We are so proud of how strong and far he has come since the accident. He is enrolled back in school and has taken up a passion for painting. He comes to every single one of our shows and sings along to all the words!

Harlequin Gold – Take Me Home (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

Diandra: Having traveled so much, how do you feel seeing the world inspires music within you?

Avery: I met and traveled with so many inspiring people who gave me the introspective view that I really needed at that time. It helped me dive into my passions and not stress over the small details and curve balls that life continuously throws at you. 
Elle: It forces you to grow and question your beliefs. Talking to people from all walks of life really puts things into perspective and makes us so grateful that we are given this opportunity to pursue our dreams. 
Diandra: What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen that led to a song? Which one?

Avery: “Baby Blue” was the first song Elle and I ever wrote together. It was so compelling having both of us see eye-to-eye and share the same feelings all throughout the song’s creation.

Diandra: How do you feel your songs reflect your sisterhood and bond?

Avery: Elle and I are both very close. I feel like we can practically read each other’s minds sometimes. When she shows me a new song, I get very wrapped up in the emotion behind the lyrics. The songs pull so much emotion out of me by knowing the meaning behind all the words and why the song was created. 

Harlequin Gold – Want You More (OFFICIAL AUDIO)

Diandra: If you could describe each other as persons and artists, how would you?

Avery: Elle has such a magnetic personality that just radiates pure sunshine. She has a way to make everyone instantly feel comfortable in their own skin. Not to mention she has more knowledge on pointless facts and dad puns that anyone I’ve ever met, it’s fantastic. As and artist, she has such a poetic and creative way with words and imagery, It’s impossible not to be totally consumed by anything she works on. 
Elle: Avery has this unmistakable way of leaving everyone better off than when she found them. She is pure joy in the cheekiest form. She is an endless source of creativity and dedication and I feel so incredibly lucky to have her as a teammate and a sister.
Diandra; What is the inspiration behind your name Harlequin Gold and your title Baby Blue?

Elle: Harlequin Gold was taken from one of our songs, “Harlequin Gold and Gasoline” and is intended to be a play on fool’s gold. We loved it because fool’s gold is often undervalued and overlooked but when you put in the right light, it will shine brighter than any piece of gold. While the inspiration behind Baby Blue stemmed from the idea that sadness can sometimes act as a place of comfort or even act as a friend. It’s about addressing that feeling of sorrow and, in the moment, welcoming it.

Diandra: Having colors in your names, what colors do you feel most represent your personality and why?

Avery: If I were to be a color it would probably be purple. It’s a gentle and free spirited color.
Elle: Yellow. For sure yellow. It’s bright and a bit obnoxious which I think pretty much sums me up (she laughs).

Harlequin Gold – Baby Blue (OFFICIAL AUDIO)

Diandra: What do you feel your studies and jobs taught you about humanity?

Avery: They have taught me that we are all human and experience the same emotions, no matter how bizarre they feel sometimes. 

Diandra: Singing to love, what has music taught you about how you define romance, family, and friends?

Avery: Music has taught me how to fall even more in love, and how to open myself up and trust those around me. 
Elle: Music has always been there to give me the words when I couldn’t find them myself. There will be times when a song feels so right that you need to sit with it on repeat for hours. It’s a humbling thought to know that other people have gone through the same emotion that you have and that you’re not alone.

For More Information On Harlequin Gold And To Buy Baby Blue Click Here.