Diandra Interviews Jez Dior: Music Is Autobiographical


For Jez Dior, his talent has always been easily noted, and his search to find who he is as an artist has been watched. For him, an artist is on a constant journey to find who they are; the same way he is trying to do so as a person. Hence, transformations and changes are abound, and in our interview we get right into how he has grown: as a heart and thus as a creative. 

Diandra: You have had so many iterations and changes to your sound through the years. In what ways would you say your recent music represents who you are as a person and artist right now?

Jez Dior: As far as the look, being an artist, growing up all my life, I would get really bored. For me, as an artist, image and music are bound. So changing my looks is really about changing when I feel like it. I never really hold back. As far my music, it has just been about letting my feelings out. So my music has always been a clear representation of where I am in life, especially with my recent album, which is about the 27 years of my life. Music and looks are always a representation of where I am at the current moment. 
Jez Dior – Don’t You Worry

Diandra: What inspired the title? 

Jez Dior: It took me a long time to come up with the title to be honest. I kind of look at this album like a fragile package. It is so emotional and brutally honest. I told myself I am going to give my all on this project so the title fits. 

Diandra; Are there any specific songs that made that revealed to you your now growth as an artist? 

Jez Dior: I think there a few songs. From a musical aspect, “Cocaine” and “Don’t You Worry” show a lot of growth because I don’t really rap at all. Like two years ago, I would be really scared to put out those two songs. From a personal aspect, on the “Intro,” I go pretty deep into my story, and talk about things that are really hard for me to talk about it. 

Diandra You have promised that  Handle With Care will contain some of your most personal work. What do you think inspired you to open up right now? 

Jez Dior: I always wanted my first album to be autobiographical. I wanted it be telling my story, and giving it to the people who have always supported me. I’m 27 and finally giving my first album.  I just want people to relate to me and feel less alone through my music. I think I am finally mature enough to tell my story the way I want to.
Jez Dior – Cocaine

Diandra: In the process of making Handle With Care, what did you discover about yourself, particularly things should care for more?

Jez Dior: I think I realized a lot about myself all the time when I am writing because I don’t really love the personal conversations and confrontations of relationships. I’ve been in therapy all of my life. Don’t get me wrong; it is great. I have always had a different perspective on it. When I write, I just like zone out. I don’t even really think when I write. Things just come out, and I learn.

Diandra: This album deals with themes like depression and trauma. Do you feel coping with such issues defined your musical tastes? 

Jez Dior: One of the darkest times in my life was when I was writing the my EP, Funeral. With this album, I tried to go with a broad spectrum. With Handle With Care, you get every feeling I have had with my life. There are songs where I am talking about the suicides and overdoses of my family to song about me falling in love.
Jez Dior – Nobody Knows ft. Jackson Guthy

Diandra: You are singing more in recent tracks. How does singing inspire you, musically, compared to rapping? 

Jez Dior: They are definitely different. I think when you are rapping it is easier because you get more wording. You can, literally, fit more words, while singing is more about being emotional and vulnerable. Singing, the different inflections of your voice, can really paint a picture.

For More Information On Jez Dior Click Here.