Concert Review: Madeline Kenney Creates Perfect Shapes In NYC

Sometimes, I wonder if life will get better, but I never really ask myself what “better” means to me. It becomes this “place” in my head that I assume will make me happy, but the details are, usually, basic. Madeline Kenney may have been displaying with Baby’s All Right the excitement of seeing new projects/ her present debut align her to a path, but her music is for those times when you felt like you needed one but none was appearing.

I knew Madeline Kenney was going to be different right off the bat because of one detail. She draped Baby’s All Right’s lightbulb wall with a floral sheet. No one ever messes with that wall. Yet, she took the initiative to make it the back drop she wanted, and she chose a white sheet of varying leaves and roses. For some reason, that choice and her decision to even make one, when there was no need to, spoke to me. At times, we think we are not being strong, smart, or good enough, which is why we can feel so lost. Yet, for Madeline Kenney and her tracks, many coming from her record Perfect Shapes, we are only lost when we fail to see life is not about going somewhere as much as “growing” somewhere.

Between tracks such as, “Cut Me Off” and “I Went Home,” I realized life grows you into spaces as much as it grows you out of places. You unlock more doors of opportunity by how you grow your spirit rather than your talents or pockets, and Madeline’s music/ presence emanated this life-saving truth. The most important job you should have in life is working on yourself, but Madeline sings to the many relationships, career dreams, and basic, daily responsibilities that make you forget to do such work. She sporadically booms and belts raw emotions over a guitar melody that wanes like a phasing moon: enlivening her sung messages to feel redefined in concert.

Madeline Kenney’s concert feels like a live, book reading; where viewers gather to hear the author discuss her “novel’s” inspirations and varying symbols. There you discover that what you thought meant one thing, actually, meant the other as you heard live and blaring. This is a true, performance gift because it make fans see her show as a “re-meet and greet” with her music. For More Information On Madeline Kenney Click Here.