My New Faves: From Dopelemon To Diandra
With an album out called, wild at heart, Caro is the literal sound of such a term. She floats, flows, and glows with a voice that feels harmless like, seaweed swishing in the sea. There is just something so sweet, still, and calm about her vocality, and how she frames her tracks to support that energy in the most vibrant way. I LOVE when artists sound so distinct, and like they cannot be found anywhere, and Caro is that kind of artist.
I am kind of fascinated by artists with even a remote amount of success that decide, welp, I’m going to revamp… and I am not talking Madonna. I am talking about completely redoing your essence and identity, that if people look for you they will be like, “What?… Why?” On that note, Angus Stone has become Dopelemon, and I am really excited for him. From sound to swag, he feels lighter, sillier, and smoother, all at once…. Like the sonic embodiment of a good time, and I AM LIVING!
Stephen Sanchez
God, is he ICONIC! TikTok is a strange beast for artists. On one hand, if you go viral it is AMAZING, but your actual longevity and promise beyond the platform can struggle. Stephen Sanchez has NOT struggled. In fact, his uniqueness has made his fans want to devour his long-awaited debut… Angel Face. Romantic, classic, and even cinematic this debut is one of the best records of the year.
Music to make you as moody as Monday: excited to see old friends and anxious to follow the same, unfulfilling routines. Recently releasing “kickstand,” ericdoa is rising in the ranks of artists that are 100% the future of trending sounds. Like his video, he feels like a chill-wave taking you on acid trip that includes church booths, baby fawns, and him rapping in a tree house. If it sounds twisted it is, and it will 100% work in concert. You cannot hear his songs, and not imagine of people acting like that baby fawn symbolized their depression.
Last but not least…. ME! I am releasing new tracks weekly because … I want to. You spend your whole life watching magnificent talents embrace themselves, it is hard not to follow. Second Chance is a whole new chapter, one that even includes a short-story chapter attached that you can find here. Both apart of a saga called, Daddy Issues, songs and stories, in both Spanish and English, that confront just how much our relationship with men and money can be affected by them.