Concert Review: John K Is The Top Chef of Love Songs

Okay, I am writing my reviews after Euphoria, so you KNOW I WILL REFERENCE THE FINALE! Watching John K glide his vocals and body, I was like, “This MAN IS GIVING ME FEZCO & LEXI LOVE SONGS!” Honestly, his ability to smooth love like butter on bread was life-giving to a city that is reviving, thriving, and rethinking what the latter two mean.

If there is one thing I hear in concerts, more than ever, is people saying, “God, I’m broke, but F it!:” There is a mutual resilience and resignation to people, nowadays, as they try to feel better about life but are not so sure what to invest their limited funds, time, and even hearts. Dating nowadays can feel like swimming a kiddie pool with a life vest: really protective and juvenile, but kind of fun with a little imagination. Because of this, John K was a worthy investment as a guy who is delectably fun. Songs like, “6 Months” and “A Lot” tasted like chocolate covered strawberries on Valentine’s; romantic, sweet, and bursting with a momentous dreaminess that makes you wonder why Love only gets a one-day celebration.

People want love songs that make them miss a relationship they either never had, could have, or do have but he’s at the grocery store while we stayed home. The point is that we miss love with his music, which makes him a really good singer to it. You know you have a hit when it hits a virtue like a bell, and embodies enough of its flaws for you to be like, well… “God, I’m broken, but F it!” Hence like “love you anyway”, John K was the epitome of someone who wants to be a star and knows he has the power to be it.

When you are in “opener territory,” hitting the stage can feel like you are shooting star that everyone caught while waiting to see the moon. You have to serve to people that may not have come to be fed by you, but John K is Top Chef. This man knows how to croon lyrics like bouquets of roses you are trying to give to your lover as an either an “I’m Sorry” or “Baby, We Doing This, TONIGHT!” Either way, he moves like he is destined for that stage, and people need that type of confidence spoon-fed or rather music-fed them because, right now, not everyone is feeling their boldest. Click Here For More Information.