Concert Review: S.Carey Plays To Nature At Rough Trade NYC

S.Carey’s music has the power to take you so deep into your mind you actually leave it. The multi-instrumentalist creates music that is the human equivalent of oceanic sounds. Instead of hearing nature play itself, you heard S.Carey play nature at Rough Trade NYC.

With his last album being called Hundred Acres, it is no surprise that S.Carey’s music felt as vast. First, seeing him go from a keyboard to a guitar to a drum, while singing the entire way, made me have a life-crisis. S.Carey is not simply talented; he is MULTI-talented. Hence, he treats his songs like a hundred acres; each one holding a home, a garden of fruit, and a group of loved ones discussing the meaning of such a word: “love”. Tracks like “Yellowstone”, “True North”, and “Fool’s Gold” could turn natural springs into fountains of youth with how revived they made people feel, but S.Carey is a reviving guy.
S. Carey – Yellowstone (Official Video)

There is nothing like talking about “awkward silences” to assure you are a conscientious man elevating into self-awareness. There is a dry, sweet humor to S.Carey that plays like a kid tossing leaves at you, and inviting you to toss some back. Yet, what made him so intriguing was the feeling that he knows what it is to think and over-think how you move through life and its daily interactions. He looks like all of us; a man with good intentions, deep thoughts, and a gnawing song in his mind that dances to the beat of life. Yet, not everybody has the genius or snowing vocality to make that song heard and felt.
S. Carey – More I See (Official Video)

S.Carey’s voice is so pristine it should be draped over every mountain. From “More I See” to “Meadow Song”, people looked at S.Carey’s as if they could SEE his voice. They felt enraptured by his “shy guy” humor, and his ability to connect through and over a coyness we all share. Putting your heart out there is not easy, but it sure builds some easy-listening, especially when you have Gordi as a backing vocalist/ guitarist. If these two ever want to create an album together, I will not fight them over it (lol!) Talk about two voices that transition plain minds into thinking ones! For More Information on S.Carey Click Here.