Happy, positive, and in love KiSMiT’s Carly Barnette opened up about how, as a person and artist, she works to stay uplifted. While it is…
To believe or not to believe? That is Clara’s question. Written and directed by Akash Sherman, Clara is a film that not only asks us…
I was excited to see Oh Land because A) I interviewed her and B) she is an artist that views music as a recap of…
If mod-rock had a baby with reggae, it would call the child Claude Fontaine. Her new, self-titled record is like jar of cherries for your…
Cobra Kai and Avengers: Endgame in one WEEK! My heart cannot handle so much badassery! Yet, nevertheless, I persist, which is something Cobra Kai’s rivalries…
Honeyblood proved something that is true; heartbreak does not kill you, it makes you stronger. Yet, for women, it can feel like it kills. As…