TV Review: The Mindy Project The Final Frontier of A Romantic Comedy…DIVORCE!
The Mindy Project is back, and, frankly, I do not know how to feel. Yes, Mindy Kaling’s wit never fails to bring the laughs and the relevance, but what about the love? If last season was left off with a proposal then season 6, the final one, begins with a divorce.
The Mindy Project returns with a lot of twists, from Tamra’s pregnancy to Jeremy’s search for a backbone, everyone is growing up or, at least, trying to do so. Nothing says this is the final season then life-changing decisions and personal choices to be better people. Yet, If everyone is moving up and out, Mindy has gone down. Now I am NOT saying divorce means you are a failure, but it does make you fee like one, and it can be a spiritual set-back. Mindy has gone through SO MANY emotional set-backs and breakthroughs because of bad relationships. Thus, my disappointment lies in that I wanted Mindy to have a win, and then discuss the struggles of feeling like she is genuinely victorious. I wanted her to be in a happy marriage that has its own hiccups and bad days like, a more glamorous, hotter version Archie and Edith Bunker. Why? Because in my search for positivity I find that, sometimes, the most interesting aspect of human relationships is how we stay together and make it work, despite, how easy it is to end things.In essence, I wanted to see Mindy grow in a relationship rather than feel stalled or being falsely molded by her partner ( Looking at you Danny boy!)
She had FINALLY found a really great guy in Ben that fit well with her compared to some of her other exes (ahem! Danny). Yet, in a sort of predictable plot-twist the relationship did not work out. After all, this show thrives on the mishaps, mis-givings, and mis-understandings of falling in love with a bunch of “right nows” rather than right ones. If anything, The Mindy Project has taught me that red-flags show up from the beginning, and you, as the one who chooses a man, play a role in how you manifest or sabotage your happiness through relationships. Who knows!? Maybe, the divorce will not go through! Maybe, she will end up with Danny?! (NO!). Maybe, she will end up alone, but happy with her beautiful son! Maybe, there is another guy in the wing! The point is for a romantic comedy, I really want Mindy to end in love. IS THAT SO WRONG! I’ve been with her since FOX! You Can See The Mindy Project Season 6 Every Tuesday in Hulu.