Album Life Coaching: Hemlocke Springs Is My Mid-18th Century Lit Teacher
I do not know how Hemlocke Springs can, simultaneously, sound like she is from 80s and 1800s, all at once. She feels like ones of those 80s music video, where a young woman is running in a neon mist while wearing a tattered Victorian dress. The result is a debut, going…going…GONE! out 9/29, that so specific and fun, I understand why she is viral.
Hemlocks Springs gives hope to a lot of us artists trying to find our sound and viral moment. She is proof that being authentically raw is absolutely the key to coming off exuberantly. Her tracks much, much like her reds, are simple, succulent, and saccharine. It is as if she is knitting with bubbling gum: crocheting delicious fantasies that keep you chewing on their warmth. The result is album that may be 7 barely 3 minute tracks, but with how many times you will repeat them…. be thankful.
There is something to be said about an artist that feels both exciting and easy; it is a talent that most of us wish to master with our own talent. We can get so caught up on showing the world all that we have to offer that we forget the power of just ¨showing up.¨ Hemlocks Spring just reveals herself and you cannot help but join her in her mad-hatter, after-school pop special.