Album Review: Benny Sings To Make The “City Pop”

Benny Sings is a one man Bee Gees in new album, City Pop. The entire record sounds like a a 70’s pop soundtrack made for you to boogie down the streets on your way to a hair- stylist or buying a new, leather jacket. Thus, in a way, Benny Sings was not kidding when he said he is making the city pop. 

It is hard not to feel like a young John Travolta perusing the disco streets as you hear the jazzy instrumentations of song such as, “Everything I Know,” “So Far So Good,” and “Dreamin,” Benny Sings uses his instrumentals as sort of a sonic veil to his real-world observations. Lyrically, you would think he sits through parks observing and jotting down his remarks on love and coupledom. For him. there is “you without someone” to love and “you with someone” to love. Some may cower to admitting that this is the stark divide within humanity, but Benny Sings is NO coward.

Beyond the groovy melodies of “Duplicate” and “My World,” City Pop feels like the boogieing presentation of a question; is Love truly our definition. In a music scene, that, literally, dedicates every song to loving and the lack of it, Benny Sings might not be far off in theory. Luckily, his voice presents a romantic hypothesis with eclectic endearment. He harmonizes and hops over his own notes as if his songs were steady skips throughout life’s city. Somehow, he appears coolly calm and excited, which makes his songs’ feel comely, bizarre, and completely charming.   

Benny Sings’ City Pop is an easy record. It is thoughtfully brisk; allowing listeners to stroll through the mind of a guy figuring it is heart. The result is an album that makes you smile in its slight innocence. Benny Sings is not heartbroken or blindingly in love; he is a guy trying to see how you can end up becoming either one and putting that challenge to music.  For More Information On Benny Sings Click Here.